Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Socialism And The Sin Of Coveting

Let me preface this post by stating that I’m not a wealthy person. I’m nothing more than a Baptist pastor who lives paycheck to paycheck to provide for my family. Therefore, I have nothing to lose by the, “redistribution of wealth” system of government that we’re currently experiencing but understanding the situation I also stand to gain nothing either.

No sir, it isn't a right. It is now a government mandate!

Socialism takes the view that capitalism is an unfair system that concentrates power and wealth to a minority of the population that derives wealth through exploitation. What the socialist’s agenda aims to do is redistribute wealth among the masses. There are still some out there who don’t believe this is President Obama’s agenda but as they say, “The proof is in the pudding.”

Let’s, just for a minute, look at what our president is doing instead of what he’s saying. The Obama Administration is demonizing the success of the business savvy in America. The auto industry, real estate market, banking industry and health professionals have been at the top of the list. Slowly but surely the government is “taking” these industries from American people and turning them into government run programs. Sure, we may not like the prices of many products on the market but it’s no different than the kid who sells you a can of soda at a ballgame for $2.00. We may not like the price but we buy the product anyway. That’s capitalism! That’s what makes America great! The notion that anyone who has some ingenuity and desire can turn a profit, regardless of race of gender, is what this country is supposed to be about. Now we’re taking that away for the hope of a handout.

Like I already said, I never made my millions and you’re more than likely in the same boat as me and we’re actually the ones in the most vulnerable position. The fat cat (the guy who rolled up his sleeve and busted it to found the company) is always going to get his. That means the cost associated with Obama’s new regulations is going to cost the employees and the consumers. That’s right, America. The working class is about to take a massive hit.

Just this week the CEO’s of Caterpillar and John Deere announced that the new healthcare legislation is going to cost their companies hundreds of millions of dollars. Who did they say it would hurt? The company employees and the economies where these companies are located are the one’s that’ll be taking that hit. What was the response of the government? The Democratic leadership demanded that the CEO’s of these companies appear before congress for a tongue lashing. When did John Deere and Caterpillar become enemies of the state?

We’re being lied to America. The Obama Administration isn’t creating jobs, they’re taking them. Included in the healthcare bill that was passed by the democrats was also a government overhaul of student loans. Guess where the impact of this is going to be felt? If you said lost jobs and higher tuition then you are correct. Thus, the eyebrows are raised and the first question is asked. The government is clearly taking but who is receiving? Ah, now we’re getting somewhere. Our government is redistributing America’s wealth from the American population to the government. So far, everything we’ve seen this administration do is going to cost the American people in consumer costs, taxes and jobs. Despite the fact that there clearly is no redistribution of wealth, only the taking of, many people I talk with still believe that they are going to receive something free from this administration. Just wait until they find out that they have to pay for their “free healthcare” or they’ll be fined for not purchasing what is now a government mandated product.

Here’s the problem. This agenda is bases on wanting something that someone else has. It screams, “not fair” to the wealthy and, “give me some of what you have!” It is in direct violation of the 10th Commandment.

"You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." – Exodus 20:17
We have all kinds of reasons to oppose the socialist agenda being brought about by our current government but perhaps the one that should be moved to the top of the list is because it is in direct violation to the Word of God. Let’s focus on what God has given us and realize what we’re blessed with. Let’s figure out how we can work harder to gain more for our families. Let’s quit taking what isn't ours!

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