Sunday, July 31, 2011


Most will never hear this.  Fact is, what needs to be hear at the 8min mark, for sure won't be heard! 

We have massive beaurocratic duplication - listen to it.  For instance, inside FEMA, a department of HS, there are 17 different agencies at work for disaster relief.  CRAZY!

At 10:30min Senator John Kerry jumps in with flattery and then says we have to have more "revenue" income....TAXES people. Really, his comment was a waste of oxygen and Coburn comes back in for reclaiming his time.

Here is somewhat his closure:  "There has been a failure of leadership...and when we (Repubs) didn't do it either."  And further:

"There are absolutely no cuts in what either Senator Reid or Speaker Boehner proposed in discretionary spending. The spending will rise $832 billion over the next 10 years in the discretionary accounts. Only in Washington is that a cut. Quite frankly, I am willing to work with my colleagues. I have been out there. I said we have to move and eliminate some of these loopholes; we have to reform the Tax Code. I am willing to take heat from my side on that"

He calls for a sacrifice of the American people.  Immediate hurt and cuts.  On the down-side less, but a stronger economy either way.

What is unfortunate is Dr. Tom Coburn will not be running in 2016 because he promised he wouldn't be.  He is a true statesman (as he just mentioned most in Congress are not) and he gets laughed at.  John Kerry further jumps in, clearly wanting his partisan desires.  Coburn says that these partisan things are not working.

What was not called for is a Budget Amendment.  I believe this is the only tidbit that was not mentioned.  Now, I realize, at this moment, we probably can't get a BBA, but we need to be shooting for it. 


Just consider these for a while from Coburn's speech this weekend:

Medicare. "Medicare Part A trust fund. Worst-case scenario this year to 2016. That is the fund that solves and pays for hospitalizations for our seniors...The average Medicare recipient paid $130,000 into Medicare. The average Medicare recipient takes $350,000 out. How long do we think that can continue? How long can we continue to tell seniors that we can continue a program based on its utilization rates, based on its reimbursement rates, based on the tax rates, that has a $220,000 difference between what goes out in benefits versus what comes in? It is broke"
Medicaid. "Medicaid is broke. The reason it is broke is because the States are broke trying to take care of it. We mandate what they must do, and yet the States are choking on Medicaid, and we are choking on matching the amount of dollars. Under the Affordable Care Act, it is now estimated 25 million more people will go into Medicaid. So it is broke"
U.S. Census Bureau. "The Census was broke before it started. It cost twice what it did 10 years ago, $8 billion more than what was estimated"
Fannie and Freddie. "We know they are broke. They are $190 billion--that you have now committed for, to pay to get them out of hock--Congress created that $190 billion. That is where we are today. It is going to be $300 or $400 billion that we have to pay--we will be required to pay, citizens of this country"
Social Security. "People say it is not broke. We have $2.5 trillion worth of IOUs. Well, the fact is, that money is gone. Congress stole it, spent it on other things. Now we lack the ability to go into international financial markets to borrow that money to put that trust fund whole"
U.S. Post Office. "The U.S. Post Office is bleeding every day. Yet we have not fixed it. We are going to do a gimmick to buy some time. But the fact is, we have set it up under a system when they negotiate labor contracts under the arbitration system. They cannot consider the financial health of the Post Office. That would be like paying somebody to mow your grass and saying, they will set the price on it and you cannot negotiate what the price is. Yet they are going to lose $8 to $10 billion this year and more every year going forward, and we have not fixed it, not done anything"
Cash for Clunkers. "When you look at the dollars--and the home buyer program, the new home buyer program--they actually had a negative effect on the economy. That is what the studies show now. So we blew through all of that money.
Federal Highway Trust Fund. "The highway trust fund--what is used to build highways and roads and bridges in our country--is broke. We are looking for $13 billion to try to make it whole, and all we did was transfer the last 3 years to that. Rather than reform it, we did not do anything about it"
Federal Health Care Law. "The new government-run health care program. Here is what we know. The new studies show that over half of the employers in this country will drop their insurance for the people who presently have insurance at work. Hundreds of billions of dollars of additional taxpayer money is going to be required to subsidize the exchanges those people are going to go into, because the penalty for dropping somebody's insurance is economically too low to keep employers from doing that"


Say what you want to say about the Gang of Six and Tom Coburn.  They may not have been all that or were too much ... depending on how you view them; but, Senator Coburn-OK, he is trying to shoot straight!  Unfortunately, we aren't geting this in the Media or from most in DC.  Watch his speech

Speech highlights...

"You have heard the debate in the House, in the Senate, of a spending cut. And, of course, that goes to what the heart of the problem is in our country; words get twisted around to the advantage of the politicians but to the disadvantage of the American citizens. We are in trouble financially. Most people will agree with that. We have programs that are in difficult straits"

"There are absolutely no cuts in what either Senator Reid or Speaker Boehner proposed in discretionary spending. The spending will rise $832 billion over the next 10 years in the discretionary accounts. Only in Washington is that a cut. Quite frankly, I am willing to work with my colleagues. I have been out there. I said we have to move and eliminate some of these loopholes; we have to reform the Tax Code. I am willing to take heat from my side on that"

"We need to freeze the size of this government. We cannot afford the government we have. The debate is about what will happen in the future. What will be the revenue increases and the spending increases? Nobody is talking about decreasing the size of the Federal Government. We can't afford this government. We can't afford to continue to spend the money we are spending"

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Obama seeks release of Al-Queda Terrorist

The following letter is from Michael Hoehn, he works and has been highly involved in terrorist studies and fights. He has spoken at the High Noon Tea Party meeting in OKC. He is with the Alliance for Vigilance. Address is below & if you are interested, I have a copy of his power point that I will gladly send you. Please consider his letter and do make the call to the white house 202-456-1414 and tell the admin that no terrorist should be releasesed -definitely, this one should not be released. If you know little about the Muslim Brotherhood, just is not a brotherhood, and American interests are not on their agenda.


Late this afternoon I took part in an emergency conference call with civilian leaders in the counter terrorism fight against militant Islam from around the country. We heard an incredible story. The Obama Justice Department has filed a motion to release an Al Qaeda terrorist and one of the leading Muslim Brotherhood figures in the U.S. from prison. The Obama Administration is trying to slip this case under the radar and we need your help.

First, let me tell you just a little bit about this terrorist and what he did. His name is Abdurahman Alamoudi and he is serving a 23-year sentence in “Supermax” in Colorado for his role in attempting to assassinate then Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. When Alamoudi was captured with over $300,000 he was to deliver to two assassins he said he simply “found” the money outside of his hotel room.

Some have suggested that the Justice Department has filed the motion to reduce Alamoudi’s sentence because he has somehow helped the U.S. in its war against militant Islam. There are several problems with that idea not the least of which is that the motion is “sealed” (or confidential) and so no one will ever know what he could possibly tell us that would be of any value after he’s been in prison for nine years. The other big problem I see is that, according to the Justice Department’s own website, Alamoudi’s original plea deal already contained a requirement that he cooperate with the government in its investigations. Alamoudi should not be entitled to special treatment for something he already agreed to do earlier.

We believe that releasing Alamoudi might be the first step in a bigger scheme by the Obama Administration in its plan to work more closely with the Muslim Brotherhood both here and abroad. In fact, we suspect that this may be a test to see how the public reacts and, if Obama gets by with releasing Alamoudi, he may eventually try to release the “Blind Sheik” to appease the MB. You may recall that the “Blind Sheik” was the mastermind behind the first Twin Towers bombing in ‘93 and that he, too, is serving time in Supermax.

This guy Alamoudi is a major league bad guy. In addition to being an Al Qaeda financier and MB leader, Alamoudi also established the Chaplain’s program for the military and recruited some of his MB associates to fill key positions. MB infiltration of the military is a major problem and I believe that you will see more attacks in the future like that of Major Nidal Hasan at Ft. Hood. Despite the incredible threat that Alamoudi poses, however, he will be free to roam about the country if he is released because he is a U.S. citizen. How would you like this guy living next door to you?

Let me tell you what I think is going on here. Do you remember the quote I told you about from the document that was introduced into evidence in the U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation case? The quote reads in part “(t)he (Muslim Brotherhood’s) work here in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by (our own) hands…” That’s what is happening here. The MB is using the Obama Administration to accomplish its goals and help destroy our civilization by our hands.

We need your help. As I said, the Obama Administration is trying to slip this one through. If we let them know that we’re on to what they’re doing and that we’re not going to put up with it, though, they may back off. I’m not a big fan of the approach some take “Write us a check and call your congressman or the White House” but, in this situation, I believe that calling the White House switchboard will let them know that we’re watching them. So, I’m urging you to call the White House at (202) 456-1414 and tell them what you think. Be polite as the operators are just employees doing a job but tell them that you think it’s an absolute outrage that the Obama Justice Department would even consider releasing an Al Qaeda terrorist like Alamoudi (pronounced “al a moody”). You can even call nights and weekends. Pass this information along to everyone you think might be willing to make a call. I believe that if we generate enough calls we can make a difference. Time is of the essence.

Remember, eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.

I appreciate you.


P.S. I've attached a link to a very good article on this issue :

Michael G. Hoehn
The Alliance For Vigilance
2009 Approach Lane
Reston, VA 20191