Sunday, November 8, 2009

Remind Me...Who's using Nazi Tactics?

Just when you think you have seen it all, it gets worse. In an unprecedented move...well, cowardly at least - the Democrats and ONE LOUSY REPUBLICAN (R-Joe Cao, Louisiana) pass the HC bill in the House! I am not racist, in fact, had a wonderful day with one awesome black kiddo - along with 7 other kids from our church. He and another boy were the only boys, so we had a blast wrestling and splashing at the indoor pool. I have worked with minorities, I have compassion on the less fortunate and support them via our church and personally.

It is not about racism Calvin. But this HC plan is a train wreck on our society - it is simply a caution-less agenda to bring America to its knees. The fact is, a minority person is financing the liberal machine making it happen - Soros. And soldiers die every day so he and other like him have the freedom to do so.

"Today with help from their liberal House allies, President Obama and Nancy Pelosi finally got what they have been creating behind closed doors these past months -- a government-run health care experiment that will increase families' health care costs, increase the deficit, increase taxes on small businesses and the middle class, and cut Medicare," the statement said.

So Nazi tactics - or at the very least, stealth/iron fist tactics were used to strong arm the decision and take the American opinion out of the system. It will be Nazi tactics that force me and every other hard working American to give up the greatest health care on the planet for a government run mess! Seriously: WIC, Post-office (I know- don't go there), DHS, S.S.N, Medicare, and the like - none of them are successful! What makes anyone believe HC will succeed through the government is beyond me! We truly have let the Television suck our mental capabilities down the pun intended!

Aside from my faith and its immovability, this revelation ruined my day. And yes, a Christian can use the word "lousy." Jesus used a whip and was spittin' mad for what the traders did to the Temple. Godly anger and frustration is warranted. Control and channelling that anger is what differentiates Christians from Wackos of any name.

The word Democrat has essentially morphed into a "four-letter" word these days. I hate it too, as I know that there are many Democrats that are not followers of Pelosi, Reed and Obama. In fact, the 39 dems that voted against it ... need a ticker-tape parade! Obama and cronies, these are the extreme wacko left! My father-n-law and many at my church are democrats - but they cannot believe how quickly their party is destroying this once great nation.

Tomorrow is a new day. God says His mercies are new every morning. I believe this and I believe it can be true for America. People, I realize many of you agree with me, but we must get this out past our little circles. Save the numbers of Congressmen in your phone and bug them 24/7. Lobby for people like Start your own Opinion Blog at Go to Tea Parties. Organize Tea Parties. Call the news channels in your area and tell them you want real news (I do this all the time - the more we do maybe they will get the hint).

2010 is the end of the Bush Tax cuts - rest assured, short a miracle, they will not be reinstated. You think you make little now, just wait: it's going to be even LESS and it will astronomically decrease IF this 1.2TRILLION DOLLAR Health care plan goes into effect! We MUST get as many Senators behind the blockage of this bill! OBAMA has sent out an email asking for $5 donations to press the insurance companies and Senators to pass this bill. They are hell-bent (!) on getting this done. Sad thing - this is not the worst of it....The Climate Treaty is going to be worse!

I for one will call and barrage "Mr. Joe Cao" until he is hearing the phone ring in his sleep! May Jindal and the remaining republicans of LA help user him out of his seat! His Washington Office number: 202-225-6636.

I am sending this out in the hopes that many of you will forward it to all you know as well!

Read CNN story (with PDF link to Bill)

Link to Cao's web contact