Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So, This is What We Pay Congress To Do

House Minority Leader pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP)

The guy sitting in the row in front of these two...he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores.

These are the folks that couldn't get the budget out by Oct. 1, and are about to control your health care, cap and trade, and the list goes on and on…

Should we buy them larger screen computers - or - a ticket home, permanently?

This is one of their 3-DAY WORK WEEKS that we all pay for (salary is about $179,000 per year).

Monday, April 18, 2011


Love it!  True thoughts... plainly said:  "Obama must go!"  Regardless who wins republican nomination.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Like him or dislike him - Trump is out there....seriously, not just "different," he is a possibility in the race for President next year.  Maybe, we need a "business minded person" to get in there and cut the crap!  Maybe we need someone not afraid to say "YOU'RE FIRED!"  I don't know.  The downside may or may not be his beliefs, political leans, political savvy, foreign knowledge (he does a lot of foreign business right?)...but then...can't be worse than OBAMA - truly, he'd only be better!  

Take a moment and take this important poll about the race for President in 2012. Is Trump a valid candidate?  What about Gingerich, Bachman?  Would you rather have Obama again?  All these are answers you can give!  Get in there and voice your opinion!  Newsmax is a major media outlet - copy this post and email it to everyone you know!

These poll results will be provided to major media outlets and popular radio talk-show hosts across America, and Newsmax assures us - OUR voices will be heard.

To find out more, go here now.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Underground Church, Depth of Faith

How deep is your faith? Did not ask what religion are you... - This link to a story, at base, is a human rights issue. Further, it is governmental control of humans and suppression of faith. It is also governmental fear of people and their innate desire to live in liberty.

This Christian church continued to meet, and not just secretly. This church is an "unapproved" church. Yet, today they met in a public spot. The result: many are detained in a school.

Look around the world. It is not a place of true acceptance. Governments fear uprisings. Countries are at war for differences. Control. Control is desired. The only acceptance without fear of control...found in Jesus Christ. Freedom us found here. Even in repression - this is why the Christian faith is so despised. May we never come to this in America, but may we stop taking it for granted?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I don't know...and quite frankly, I DON'T CARE - but the Democrats showed be tried for treason!  I realize that the true sense of the word is not accurate...  But dabgummit, it is past time to be messin' around with our NATION for political Mickey-Mousin' around and political agendas!  ARRRGH!  I cannot even express in words my frustration!

I have called my senators and reps and given their assistants the what for - but I live in Oklahoma where we are still fairly common sensible people - so, it really doesn't matter that I have called!  They are trying everything they can...but again, we live in OK.

Back to the matter at hand - our country is in jeopardy, the President has absolutely no leadership and economic collapse looms.  I am tired of this crap!  We elect them to do something!  Our taxes pay them to function in our interests and requests!  They are not doing so and they are putting us in a precarious position!  Shut up and work! 

Cut the freakin' budget!  Ron Paul is a God-send - problem is we have a bunch of knuckle-head losers that don't know the first thing about finance and trouble but obviously know how to destroy this great Nation.  Therefore, TREASON! 

Impeach and try them all for treason!  If they are hunkered down with Schumer-D then they are clearly unethical, immoral, full of character flaws and their inaction and deliberate stalemate and shut down of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT is an act of TREASON!

Check out this article - this is a great start! 

PS.  I wrote/called Schumer's offices at 212-486-4430;  757 Third Avenue, Suite 17-02, New York, New York 10017.  Challenge you to do the same!