Thursday, March 25, 2010

Democrats Don’t Want Violence Unless Its Against Unborn Children

On Sunday the Democrats of the U.S. Congress, led by our President, passed a bill that was unconstitutional and opposed by the majority of Americans. On Thursday, they're shocked at the ramifications of ignoring America and trampling on the rights of American citizens. Needless to say, Americans are upset and not wanting to wait until November to voice their outrage.

Our First Amendment rights allow us the privilege of voicing our displeasure towards elected officials, which is one reason why I posted contact information for the Democratic senators who voted on the health care bill on this site, and since the Obama Administration has not yet found a way to to trample that right they're making themselves out to be victims. That's right ladies and gentlemen, our oppressors are trying to make themselves out to me the victims.

Of course the First Amendment doesn't afford us the right to threaten bodily harm upon another person and, in my opinion, those who have done so should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. However, the left is totally ignoring the hundreds of thousands of phone calls in opposition to the bill that are well thought out and articulated and instead bringing to light the dozens of of calls that are harsh in tone, use profanity and offer threats. Please pay attention to what is going on here. This group of politicians think that you're crazy if you disagree with them and to prove it they are painting you in the same light as the few actual crazies who've called. Don't believe me? How many times have you heard or read about people calling or faxing people in legitimate protest to this new legislation. Looking at the main stream media you'd think that no one have voiced a legitimate protest. However, the U.S. Congress switchboard is burdened down with up to 50,000 calls per day and all we're hearing about are the very minority of them that include profanity and such.

Why is it that our Vice President can drop an f-bomb on national television when gloating to the President about ramming something down the throats of American citizens and yet this party finds it unacceptable for someone to leave a voice mail in protest to the legislation that contains profanity? Why is it that the Speaker of the House can call the Tea Party people Nazis and yet when it comes to leaving messages and voicing criticism to Democratic senators name calling is unacceptable?

Why? Because they think they're better than you! That's why they refused to listen to the majority of the American public and force this bill on us anyway. That's why they can do or say something that they find unacceptable if you do it. That's why they have the ability to opt out of the new health care system when you don't have that ability. They view all Americans as lower class citizens, and not just those who oppose them. The trample of the constitutional rights of republicans and democrats equally and smirk while doing it. Then they have the gall to actually attempt to make you believe they are a victim in some way because people protest against them.

"The bottom line is, we need to be very careful in public life that our rhetoric doesn't incite to violent acts," Maryland Democrat and House Majority leader, Steny Hoyer said on a network morning news show. He said dealing with difficult issues in a civil and peaceful manner is "at the core of our democracy."

I find it extremely ironic that the democrats are concerned about the possible violent acts done against them in retaliation to their actions but show no concern for the violent acts done to unborn babies. In fact their new legislation not only outlines the steps to how a women can and abortion, it makes it easier for them to do so. At least a grown man can defend himself against threats and actual attacks of violence. What can an unborn baby do? Those entrusted with the power to protect unborn babies turned their backs because they've lost their sense of morality and because babies don't vote. The official political stance of the Obama Administration is kill the unborn defenseless babies but please don't direct personal threats against us because we deserve better.

At the end of the day we only have ourselves to blame. Those of us that saw what was coming if Obama were elected as President didn't scream loud enough and those who heard our screams didn't listen and instead voted for socialism. Now we've become like the group of people that Paul describes in Romans 1:21-25.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

We've become a country with no morals! Instead of teaching our children to abstain from sex until after marriage our president is saying that, "a woman shouldn't be punished with a baby" after an act of immorality. I've always thought that babies were miracles and blessings. When did they become punishments? Do you see how backwards we are? Guess what America? We elected a President who is anti-American and has no sense of morality. Now we're shocked at the results of him being in office. Sound to me like God is giving us over to our own sinful desires.

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