Monday, October 19, 2009


Who is this Lord? Obvisously, a play on words - but wisdom does come from The Lord. Anyway, google him and you will find out that he has been active in gov for a while. Further, he has a education that backs his credibility up. Not to mention his accent - and how he reveres American soil....but I digress.

The Sierra Club and other environmentally friendly groups are a disease of gigantic proportions - making the Swine Flu look petty! Gore and his gaff of global warming farcists are trying to take down the civilized world. Lord Monckton hits hard in retaliation. Watch this video and if you can still see straight ... read on!

If you search transcript of a speech give in March of this year. I have read this and am amazed at the common sense backed by science and hard facts. As pointed out by my esteemed co-author of this blog, Gore cannot defend his very writings!

Friends, what we have here is Monckton's amazing amount of content that confronts the very fibers of the fraud, deceit and lies that we are being fed by mainstream, state-run media. Fact is, it is so very sad that media today is not covering the impeachable actions of our President. Side bar: If it were not for the fact that the Constitution defines treason in a limited fashion, I would call Obama's actions and those running the country with him as TREASONOUS! People were convicted for treason for less in our history. During the Cold War there were many that aided the enemy ... Personally, we are in a War on Terror that has not ended since 9/11 officially. Personally, Obama has defamed and slandered America in is worldwide tours... but back to the topic...

Lord Monckton says: "I read that treaty. And what it says is this, that a world government is going to be created. The word 'government' actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfaction of what is called, coyly, 'climate debt' - because we've been burning CO2 and they haven't. We've been screwing up the climate and they haven't. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement."

There is an great evaluation of this article linked here. It is a quick read and the site is accessible by mobile phone. The treaty being spoken of by Monckton is the Global Climate Change Treaty and is being written and touted throughout the world. Obviously, like the blood sucking "victim" and entitlement segment of American society, the Third World Nations will obviously sign - they will be given our wealth - YOUR HARD EARN MONEY! Livid. That is the word that should come to mind! You should be livid! While we work, sleep, play, lounge and otherwise reap the reward of our work ethic, history and provisions as a Nation - Wolves in Sheep's clothing are licking their chops!

Anita Dunn's hero is Mao Tse Tung (and yes, I did link Glenn Beck - he is livid!) Imagine Bush saying this...and as if Mother Theresa, beside Mao, makes it all good? Yet even now, propaganda spins from the White House by their loving media are being brought about - and in this article they go at length to pummel FOX research and Beck, even publicizing Jones' new website to boycott Beck for calling Obama racist - the audacity! The American Spectator puts this in great perspective - read it.

Other Czar's are thoroughly researched by Glenn Beck and it is redundant to repeat his info - read it.

I have not written much in the last months. Why? As I have said, things have moved so quickly that I type and it is old news. I was aghast today when I heard this! But have you seen it on the local or nightly news? We have got to call our local affiliate news rooms and bug them until they start to report news. When I call, they say they get their feeds from the National Office. Then why are they working? Why the local reporters? They have got to change national - if we call, call and call more, they will have to begin reporting what we want.

This is one "IF YOU WANT TO" situations that you cannot afford to press "delete." Link this to your FB, Twitter and other social network sites. Use your little "thought box" on your FB page to promote grassroots change in America. Go to upcoming Tea Parties! November 4 is a date that many will be happening. Go to town halls. Support "No-name" grassroots people that want to run for office and stop the madness! Be heard. Press on!

But - it is important that we must act within the bounds of law and respect. THEY are taking any and every chance to discredit the actions of Americans simply wishing for their voices to be heard. We must take the high road. It is harder but it so important for us to be credible in our protests.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Global Warming Is A Fraud And Al Gore Can’t Defend It

So when asked about nine critical errors in is politically motivated film former Vice President Al Gore responds with, “Well, don’t you think that polar bears are endangered?” When pushed on the matter and even informed that the polar population is increasing Gore had nothing else in the arsenal.

With no ground to stand on and unable to defend his position Al Gore did what Al Gore does best and straight out lied. The court ruling that is being discussed here was NOT in favor of Gore’s film. It stated that the film could be shown in schools as long as a disclaimer was provided saying that there were nine critical errors in the film. How in the world is that in Gore’s favor, oh the Spin Doctor likes to spin it!

Bottom line is that this farce is being snuffed out all over the world and everyone, including Gore, knows it. The company line though seems to be when called on it refuse to answer the question directly and spin a lie and if that isn’t good enough the just silence the objector by telling him to quit talking and shutting off his microphone. Nice job!

Monday, October 12, 2009


I just learned that "two powerful" men, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, are trying to persuade the NFL to barr Limbaugh and his partners from purchasing the ST. Louis Rams. Can you seriously believe this? Dolphinfan is more geared to write about this, but I could not avoid it...

It is my point to respectfully .... well, for lack of a better word ... disagree with them. I believe that racism exists because of individuals just like (and SPECIFICALLY like) Sharpton and Jackson. Without race issues they are without a platform.

Take this very instance of the Rams purchase: would they have anything to say or any grounds to speak if it were not for race? Further, would they have grounds to speak at any other time? If not for race these men and those like them would have nothing to promote. Let's just think about this - look at Detroit, think back to the demise of the first run with Health Care Bill, Obama's election, several of his Czars - race was tossed around as an attack on the Republican opposition efforts. The Tea Partiers are racist - or worse, Pelosi thinks they are Nazi's!

Race is being tossed around like a political football for everything - as if we have gone back in time! We may not have segregated fountains and busses, but the tension being stirred up from Sharpton, Obama, Pelosi, ACORN and others is making Main Street life increasingly difficult.

It is true that Rush has made comments that reflect his opinions on affirmative action and it's relation to sports and every day happenings, but truth often hurts. It is my "hope" that the NFL does not further their cause of racism by cow-tailing to the PC arguements. I sincerely hope they will stand against this attack and even promote the investors that Limbaugh is working with.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Well, the program did not go bust, but the dealerships are!

Here is the deal: Government comes up with this "great idea" - let's have people turn in their 'old' cars and get new ones. Bailout for the 'commoners.' To get them to do so, let's pay them to do it!

Problem: The Government is not in business and does not know how to run business!

Result: Leading story tonight on the local news: David Stanley is having to continue offering "clunker" like incentives to keep buyers coming in and buying cars, as the Goverment has not come through on their 'promise' to pay for the Clunkers they bought!

Question: What makes us think this 1100pg + Health Care Program is going to be better? What makes us believe that they will succeed in a program no other country has successfully delivered?

Obama is not working for America - we knew this would happen. Worse still, there are those in the shadow government (some of this link is reasonable, some ?) that are even worse and need removal with Obama. The bailout is worse than ever, the dollar is caving, gold is way up, our President is a laugh (awarded peace prize on the same day we try to blow up the moon!) and has talked America down as a coward!

Challenge: Call your representatives and Senators - the grass roots movement to get the likes of Pelosi, Obama and their minions out of office must be louder and louder! 2010 must be a defining year for America! 2010 can be the date Obama and the liberal democrats become lame ducks! Find your local hero like James Lankford in OK and support them at least as much as you will football!

H1N1 Infects the Contitution?

These are scary times when our elected government officials actually
believe a law such as this makes sense..."for the common good." Check
out this video on YouTube:

We must wake up and do more than smell the coffee. This is for real,
and if the state of Mass. can do it....

Then, really get scared and consider H1N1 prison camps - just google
it, an you will be surprised.

If you google number of cases in America you get a varied list. While
the scare is out there, the infected percentage appears low. 12 cases in the
last 18 hours; 78 cases in Egypt, etc.

We can choose to 'abort' and end a life...but there are those that want
to strip our choice of vaccination or not. I am still undecided and
have never received the 'normal' flu shot. How much is hype? How
much is real? Who do you believe? Trust?

Consider the conspiracy: what if Marshall Law is inacted for this? Or
because of those 'evil, racist right wingers?' Hopefully, our
Constition and judges, whose purpose in life is to protect it, will
stand against the forces attacking them!

By Phone