Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Serious Case: "Told You So!"

We have been collectively duped. But, we cannot say we were not told. Just: "did you hear [me]?"

Obama seems to live in shadows. It is not something that is unknown...if you pay attention and gain information from both sides of the aisle. I am not talking Republican and Democrat - but conservative and liberal.

It is not rocket science. It is simply good investigation. Problem is, this was conveniently overlooked and ignored during the election cycle. The media - supposed to be the watchdog of politics in our Nation, turned a blind eye. However, what is worse, it appears that there is an unseen hand that has "placed" Obama in positions of "notice & leadership" in order to "stage him" for political office.

Decide for yourself here. Google. Search.

Further, it appears the White House is suppressing stories and information - essentially, bribing the media with access and exclusive interviews. Is it a wonder that Anderson Cooper has lost 43% of its viewers? The American People are not buying.

Is it a wonder that some American's still get a "tingly feeling on their leg" when it comes to Obama? Sadly, while the watch dog is out and pussy cats are in, the Obama Adminstration is dismantling the strength of this nation's foundation!

Case in point: there's that Treaty the President went to sign which will weaken the strength of America in the world today. Many have said that the United Nations is a thorn to America - John Bolton, former UN Ambassador, is emphasizing this truth in correlation to what the Obama Administration is doing.

If your American blood is not full of goose bumps, maybe you should turn on the AM radio, watch the other news, or do internet research instead of gaming! This kind of concealed information, sealed files at Universities, alliances, Czars...the list is long - Obama is "fundamentally changing America." Read behind the lines of the State of the Union.

But it is not what you want.

Ps. 1

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