Ask the people on the Gulf Coast if they believe that President Obama and the Democratic Party are in touch with the daily needs of Americans. Ask Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal if the Democratic Party is in touch with the needs of the people from his state.
Ask Arizona Governor Jan Brewer if the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party are in touch with the needs of the people from her state?Governor Jindal said, “We’re glad the Vice President visited Louisiana today. Just as when the President comes into town, we see the pace of federal activity increase. The overarching message that I told the Vice President today is that the federal government needs to increase their sense of urgency. They need to treat this spill like a war and get in it to win it. We’re here to defend our way of life.
“We’re asking the federal government to cut through the red tape and bureaucracy. It’s time for them to lead or get out of the way. The federal government should stop interfering in our work to stop the oil. Over and over again, the federal government has stopped and stalled our efforts to fight this oil off the coast.
“First, it was the sand-berms where it took the federal government weeks to approve the project and then after construction started, the federal government shut it down and left our coast vulnerable to the oil. The latest example is the rocks and barges plan off of Grand Isle. Jefferson Parish and Plaquemines Parish together with the towns of Grand Isle and Lafitte have been pushing for weeks to get approval for their plans to place boom, rocks, and barges in five of the western Barataria Bay passes. Their plan calls for narrowing the passes by up to 70 percent with rocks, rigid pipe boom or other measures, then placing barges with vacuum trucks and sorbent operations in the remaining gaps. We can fight this oil before it gets into our interior marshes with these plans – but they are still awaiting federal approval.
Ask the 55% of voting Americans who didn't want to see the health bill passed but had it rammed down their throats any if the Obama Administration and Democratic Party is in touch with their needs?"This is an outrage," Brewer says in the ad. "Washington says our border is as safe as it has ever been. Does this look safe to you?"
Brewer continues, "We will not surrender any part of Arizona. We need to stand up and demand action."
The governor says that "Washington is broken" and asks Mr. Obama to "do your job."
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, conducted on the first two nights after the president signed the bill, shows that 55% favor repealing the legislation. Forty-two percent (42%) oppose repeal. Those figures include 46% who Strongly Favor repeal and 35% who Strongly Oppose it.In all of these cases you'll find the Republican Party trying to fight for the needs of the American people and the Democratic Party fighting for their agenda above all else. That's why in Louisiana you've got people out of work because of the oil spill and people out of work because of the government imposed drilling moratorium. That's why in Arizona the government is surrendering land to Mexico while telling you that the borders are secure. In the meantime we've got people like Rep. Pete Stark, Dem-California (video above) making a mockery of American citizens who voice legitimate concerns.
There are always going to be lessons to be learned in politics. However, the one lesson that President Obama and the Democratic Party still isn't getting is that actions will always speak louder than words. Obama was elected as President of the United States based off lip service. He'll witness the demise of the Democratic Congress this fall because all his leadership has provided in almost two years is the same lip service. We're watching what you're doing more than what you're saying and we don't like what we see.
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