Monday, April 5, 2010

Take Your Urinary Tract Elsewhere!

Alright - while this is basically old news (in today's world), I could not resist! Thanks to the efforts of bloggers and links to the originating news article, Dr. Cassell has made a serious impression in America!

While CNN and left leaning news or blog outlets spin the negative, truth is, his sign was simply an "if...then" statement. Should anyone call his bluff, the doctor was/is obligated to treat them. My left-ish friends out there would likely take the side of "victims" or those the HC plan "is supposed" to help. However, the sign is what it is, see for yourself:

Depends on whether you read well or follow instructions as to whether you follow it. Dr. Jack Cassell said he would not refuse if someone actually did come in, so to me, it is an example of free speech; not an ethics issue.

It is a statement of frustration.

Ultimately, it is a foreshadowing of things to come. Sad thing is, he may receive discipline from this from PC minded individuals - not from legal grounds. But under Obamacare, the principle behind this will be all to common place.

I do find one thing ironic the Huffington Post references Rep. Alan Grayson, D-FL who says that "African-Americans" (should read "Americans"...another topic though) will be turned away. How is this so if "African-Americans" are so illiterate that they need the Government to assist them [in these ways] because the education system failed them? Will they not ignore the sign due to this handicap? Will not the roughly 50% (five out of 10) of Americans (Floridians - not just black) with low levels of literacy have the potential of problems reading this sign? I find this to be a racist comment - why is this not focused on by the media?

Seems to me that Mr. Grayson could be speaking of a mere four/five out of 10 people...of which, the other few may read and still enter, understanding this sign to actually be sarcasm, in the mode of tongue and cheek...and a touch of frustrated reality!

Oh yeah....and let's not forget that Mr. Grayson is not a friend to America. See is own self promoted voting record and front web boast "$100 mill in Federal money" - "98% increase of funds" during his first year in office! This guy is spending America away!

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