Thursday, April 22, 2010

Obama Health Bill Will Raise Health Cost By Nearly A Trillion And Guess Who Gets To Pay For It

Here's a shocker! The health care that Obama has forced upon American was supposed to lower cost and save money. At least that's what we were told as one of their, "selling points." An overwhelming majority of Americans opposed the health care reform over fear that it would raise taxes and health care costs and that it was unconstitutional. Those who stood in opposition were demonized by the Obama administration and were called everything from "racists" to "Nazi."

I'm really not one to get into name calling but I've got to call a spade a spade here and go with "bully" and "liar" when it comes to this administration. Standing in defiance to the voice of American Obama essentially told us that we didn't know what was good for us and he did. Bribes were made and votes were bought to push the bill through and the thing is, none of it was done under the table. It was all done in plain view of America with a, "What are you going to do about it? That's right, nothing!" attitude by our President. That action evokes the word, "bully."

Then we were told that this bill was a good thing because it would lower health cost and and save money. Bet you didn't know this but there actually isn't a provision in this bill to regulate insurance companies and lower premium costs. I thought that was the whole point of the reform!

Now its found out that this reform won't actually save anyone any money. In fact, its going to raise the current health care cost by almost a trillion dollars at a minimum. So how's it going to get paid for? By raising your taxes! Now we can use the word, "liar."

None of this is a surprise to President Obama or his administration. It has been in their plan since the beginning. The question is, why? Why is he bent on destroying the economy? Please, please to throw out the, "doing the best he can with what he inherited line." That isn't true and it never was. Unemployment has been on a steady rise since Obama took office and the economy has bottomed out. On top of that, the budget defense has been cut and America's vulnerability is at the highest its been sine pre-9/11.

Not believing, or just not caring, that the Republicans are going to take Congress this fall, Obama is pushing the issue. Smugly he says that Americans, "should be thanking him" but for exactly what we're still unsure. Can anyone really make a legitimate case for a reason to be thankful for Obama? If you're attempting to come up with a case here then there's something you really should know. Obama is working, right now, on a tax plan to pay for the health care bill. Yep, I'm actually telling you that you're free health care is in fact not free.

One of Obama's consideration is a VAT tax, which taxes the value that is added at each stage of production of certain commodities. It could apply, for instance, to raw products delivered to a mill, the mill's production work and so on up the line to the retailer.
When asked if he could see a potential VAT in this nation, the president said: "I know that there's been a lot of talk around town lately about the value-added tax. That is something that has worked for some countries. It's something that would be novel for the United States." - Source
Be warned, America. Higher taxes are coming and there's no way around it. To deny such is just ignorance. Of course Obama said that before he makes any decision as to which way he's going to tax Americans he wants to cut wasteful spending. Maybe he should start by looking at his health care bill.

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