Friday, April 30, 2010
While Obama Administration Is Defending Illegal Aliens An Arizona Deputy Gets Shot By Drug Runners
While Janet Napolitano, Al Sharpton and President Obama are speaking out on behalf of the illegal aliens living in the state of Arizona an unfortunate reminder of why the state needed a new immigration law presented itself when Deputy Louie Puroll was shot with an AK-47 by suspected illegal aliens.
If you live in the state of Arizona you can count your own personal safety as something the Obama Administration values less than the rights of thousands of illegal immigrants. Forget your rights! Forget the rights of Deputy Puroll. Let's focus on protecting those who come into the country illegally. Who cares if they bring drugs, weapons or human trafficking with them. We value them more than we do our own citizens. Yeah, I know. Not every person who crosses the border brings all of that with them but you know what? They're still here illegally!
America is the land of opportunity! Yes, we welcome all nationalities and our nation is a smelting pot of culture. However, there is a process for gaining residence and even citizenship in our great nation and shame on those who stand for the rights of people who intentionally fail to follow that process.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Stop It!
“Stop it!” That’s a phrase that we usually reserve for someone who is bothering us. What about the things we do that bother God though? Our lives are full of habits and action that display weak faith and a tendency to stray away from God. His desire is for us to experience an abundant life that’s full of blessing and promise but we often sacrifice that life at the altar of habits and actions mentioned above.
Perhaps this is the type of living that Paul was referring to when he said in Romans 1:25 that they, “exchanged the truth of God for a lie.” Imagine how aggravated God gets when we mess up. Not aggravated at us in particular (although our sin does greatly displease him) but aggravated at the missed blessing and promise because we exchanged the truth of God’s desires towards us for something else that doesn’t measure up to His plan.
Why? Why are we, “prone to wonder” like the old hymn says? The truth is, we are human and as long as we are such we’ll be likely to sell Him out. The key to walking as a Christian is identifying these potential spiritual pitfalls and stopping the behaviors before they have the opportunity to pop up in our lives. To do this, we must be completely in tune to the Holy Spirit to that, through, Him we can hear the voice of God leading us to the promised abundance. It’s at that moment that, when we face our weaknesses and temptations, we’ll hear the voice of God screaming to us to, stop it!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Obama Health Bill Will Raise Health Cost By Nearly A Trillion And Guess Who Gets To Pay For It
Here's a shocker! The health care that Obama has forced upon American was supposed to lower cost and save money. At least that's what we were told as one of their, "selling points." An overwhelming majority of Americans opposed the health care reform over fear that it would raise taxes and health care costs and that it was unconstitutional. Those who stood in opposition were demonized by the Obama administration and were called everything from "racists" to "Nazi."
I'm really not one to get into name calling but I've got to call a spade a spade here and go with "bully" and "liar" when it comes to this administration. Standing in defiance to the voice of American Obama essentially told us that we didn't know what was good for us and he did. Bribes were made and votes were bought to push the bill through and the thing is, none of it was done under the table. It was all done in plain view of America with a, "What are you going to do about it? That's right, nothing!" attitude by our President. That action evokes the word, "bully."
Then we were told that this bill was a good thing because it would lower health cost and and save money. Bet you didn't know this but there actually isn't a provision in this bill to regulate insurance companies and lower premium costs. I thought that was the whole point of the reform!
Now its found out that this reform won't actually save anyone any money. In fact, its going to raise the current health care cost by almost a trillion dollars at a minimum. So how's it going to get paid for? By raising your taxes! Now we can use the word, "liar."
None of this is a surprise to President Obama or his administration. It has been in their plan since the beginning. The question is, why? Why is he bent on destroying the economy? Please, please to throw out the, "doing the best he can with what he inherited line." That isn't true and it never was. Unemployment has been on a steady rise since Obama took office and the economy has bottomed out. On top of that, the budget defense has been cut and America's vulnerability is at the highest its been sine pre-9/11.
Not believing, or just not caring, that the Republicans are going to take Congress this fall, Obama is pushing the issue. Smugly he says that Americans, "should be thanking him" but for exactly what we're still unsure. Can anyone really make a legitimate case for a reason to be thankful for Obama? If you're attempting to come up with a case here then there's something you really should know. Obama is working, right now, on a tax plan to pay for the health care bill. Yep, I'm actually telling you that you're free health care is in fact not free.
One of Obama's consideration is a VAT tax, which taxes the value that is added at each stage of production of certain commodities. It could apply, for instance, to raw products delivered to a mill, the mill's production work and so on up the line to the retailer.
When asked if he could see a potential VAT in this nation, the president said: "I know that there's been a lot of talk around town lately about the value-added tax. That is something that has worked for some countries. It's something that would be novel for the United States." - SourceBe warned, America. Higher taxes are coming and there's no way around it. To deny such is just ignorance. Of course Obama said that before he makes any decision as to which way he's going to tax Americans he wants to cut wasteful spending. Maybe he should start by looking at his health care bill.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Rating the President and Wonderful Congress
about what is going on in the political world. It is also time to
filter the non-news and analytically think about what is going on that
is governing the ratings.
I noticed that "he was up a bit" during the passing of health care.
However, still took a dive after that.
The day by day ratings concern me because much has been and will be
tabled for the coming months. So, both congress and the Pres will rise
a bit as the typical American begins to forget the recent past and the
mess of health care.
Check it out here:
Coinciding with this, we should not forget that the tea party people
are not evil as a group. By at large, they are mainly calm, smart,
responsible citizens. Further, there are many ways that this idea of
violence may be propogated. Read this weekend that former Pres.
Clinton has equated the atmosphere of today's tea party movement to
the climate of America at the time of the OK Bombing. This is just
wrong! Unfounded - and one "militia" member does not taint the
militia movement. Same arguement that guns don't kill, people kill.
I say this because there appears to be a stage set to discredit the
tea movement. We must be vigilant and self governed. Videos that
show the calmer side will help support the cause.
Have your thoughts collected so you can give a concise 30 second
commercial on the tea movement and why you believe it is necessary and
that government is too big. Stay away from violent connotations.
Keep it simple. Help you friends understand how to do the same.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Mark Of The Beast - Religious Hoax Or Biblical Fact
One of the great things about the Bible is that as time goes on it grows more and more in validity. History, archeology and science all stand as witnesses to the validity and truthfulness of the Bible. What about those prophecies of the Bible that have yet to come to pass? You know, the things like the Great Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast. Its teaching on the subjects, and actually believing in them, that earns many Christians the label of, "religious wacko" in today's society. However, the Bible has stood the test of time and as our world discovers the things recorded in the scriptures that came to pass we should also be mindful of the things that will come to pass. Look at what the Book or Revelation has to say about the Mark of the Beast and then check out the video story. Gotta warn ya though, its creepy!
Revelation 13
16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.How about that? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this for sure is the Mark of the Beast. I'm just pointing out the fact that the things we read in the Bible are reality and not fairy tale (I'd stay away from this type of identification tool though). Years ago Christians were berated for the belief that someone would have the power to impose this type of identification mark on the world's population. Now, were called close minded and paranoid because the technology is now available to make this a reality. One guy actually asked me, "why wouldn't I want to do something like that if it could help sustain my life." Well, just keep in mind that there has to be something attractive about the Mark of the Beast to get so many people to take it. People will be told that they have to do it in order to, "sustain their lives." Call me paranoid or whatever else you wish but its time to realize where we are in history. We'd be wise to start paying attention to who and what we're asked to be loyal to.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Stupidity of Dems Reaches New Heights with Edmondson
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Serious Case: "Told You So!"
Obama seems to live in shadows. It is not something that is unknown...if you pay attention and gain information from both sides of the aisle. I am not talking Republican and Democrat - but conservative and liberal.
It is not rocket science. It is simply good investigation. Problem is, this was conveniently overlooked and ignored during the election cycle. The media - supposed to be the watchdog of politics in our Nation, turned a blind eye. However, what is worse, it appears that there is an unseen hand that has "placed" Obama in positions of "notice & leadership" in order to "stage him" for political office.
Decide for yourself here. Google. Search.
Further, it appears the White House is suppressing stories and information - essentially, bribing the media with access and exclusive interviews. Is it a wonder that Anderson Cooper has lost 43% of its viewers? The American People are not buying.
Is it a wonder that some American's still get a "tingly feeling on their leg" when it comes to Obama? Sadly, while the watch dog is out and pussy cats are in, the Obama Adminstration is dismantling the strength of this nation's foundation!
Case in point: there's that Treaty the President went to sign which will weaken the strength of America in the world today. Many have said that the United Nations is a thorn to America - John Bolton, former UN Ambassador, is emphasizing this truth in correlation to what the Obama Administration is doing.
If your American blood is not full of goose bumps, maybe you should turn on the AM radio, watch the other news, or do internet research instead of gaming! This kind of concealed information, sealed files at Universities, alliances, Czars...the list is long - Obama is "fundamentally changing America." Read behind the lines of the State of the Union.
But it is not what you want.
Ps. 1
Monday, April 5, 2010
Take Your Urinary Tract Elsewhere!
Depends on whether you read well or follow instructions as to whether you follow it. Dr. Jack Cassell said he would not refuse if someone actually did come in, so to me, it is an example of free speech; not an ethics issue.
It is a statement of frustration.
Ultimately, it is a foreshadowing of things to come. Sad thing is, he may receive discipline from this from PC minded individuals - not from legal grounds. But under Obamacare, the principle behind this will be all to common place.
I do find one thing ironic the Huffington Post references Rep. Alan Grayson, D-FL who says that "African-Americans" (should read "Americans"...another topic though) will be turned away. How is this so if "African-Americans" are so illiterate that they need the Government to assist them [in these ways] because the education system failed them? Will they not ignore the sign due to this handicap? Will not the roughly 50% (five out of 10) of Americans (Floridians - not just black) with low levels of literacy have the potential of problems reading this sign? I find this to be a racist comment - why is this not focused on by the media?
Seems to me that Mr. Grayson could be speaking of a mere four/five out of 10 people...of which, the other few may read and still enter, understanding this sign to actually be sarcasm, in the mode of tongue and cheek...and a touch of frustrated reality!
Oh yeah....and let's not forget that Mr. Grayson is not a friend to America. See is own self promoted voting record and front web boast "$100 mill in Federal money" - "98% increase of funds" during his first year in office! This guy is spending America away!
Unbelievable! The Democratic Congress Really Doesn’t Care About The Constitution!
Regardless of where you stand on healthcare reform, please tell me that you’ve at least wondered why our congress couldn’t come up with a way to improve the system without trampling on the constitutional rights of American citizens. Let me introduce you to Congressman Phil Hare who represents the 17th district of Illinois, well at least for about 8 more months. In the video posted above, Mr. Hare clearly states that he “I don’t worry about the constitution.” Then he took it another step further by quoting the Declaration of Independence as part of the constitution. Not only does he not care about the U.S. Constitution that he swore to uphold, he doesn’t even know it from the Declaration of Independence. No wonder these guys can’t understand why the American people don’t want this.
Of course Congressman Hare, in the true Democratic company line, issued a statement in the video above explaining how he was victimized by people taking him at his word. Of course his quote was taken out of context. What he meant to say was, “I do support the constitution because it gives me a job but when it comes to matters of making decisions the American people don’t agree with, I don’t worry about the constitution.” At least that’s how he comes across to me.
Another favorite line in the rebuttal is where he says, “this constitution is near and dear to me and we can disagree on healthcare reform…but we don’t have to be disagreeable.” What? Which part of the constitution is near and dear to you, Mr. Hare? Is it that part that that you’re trashing on by forcing Americans to buy something they don’t want or is it the part of the Declaration of Independence that you thought was the constitution. I’m really confused here, and that’s before your, “we can disagree without being disagreeable” quote. What does that mean? Is that why you don’t feel like the American people should hold you accountable to your words and actions? Is that why you try to make those that do appear to be villains of some sort? Is that why you got mad and stormed off when it became clear that you hadn’t read the bill once and yet claimed to have read it three times? Is that why your body language showed that you were disgusted that you had to issue a rebuttal in which you never apologized for what you said or how you acted but instead apologized that the public had to see your true colors shining through and shame of those who exposed it.
Jesus said, "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." (Matthew 5:37) In other words, Jesus is telling us to say what we mean and mean what we say. Perhaps if our nation's politicians would start practicing that then there wouldn't be so much debate over what a statement or speech really meant.