Congress thinks an economic mess caused by excessive borrowing and spending can be fixed by borrowing and spending even more aggressively. A simple look at statistics shows that teaching young people to practice safe sex isn’t working. The CDC estimates that that approximately 19 million new STD infections occur each year— almost half of them among young people 15 to 24 years of age. Chlamydia infections are currently at an all-time high since the CDC began keeping stats. We’re not teaching kids to have safe sex. We’re just teaching them to have sex!
Here’s the thing about grass. If you let the rain fall on it and keep people off of it then it will grow back. There’s no need to spend $100 million because rain is free. Here’s the thing about sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t have sex and they won’t spread! That's right, I said it. Don’t have sex! The Bible teaches that sexual intimacy was intended to be between a man and a woman within the bond of a marriage relationship and to do otherwise results in grave consequences. Of course society tells us that the bible is an outdated document that doesn’t apply in today’s modern world and all that believe and live by its teachings and principles are narrow minded, judgmental and weak. Then those same people want to bill the tax payers to cover the price of the consequences for refusing to remain abstinent.
STD’s, and the prevention of, are not an economic issue and this is a perfect example of why this bill was a bad idea. It is laced with hidden personal agendas for Joe Taxpayer to cover at the expense of $10,000 of new federal debt for a typical family of four. Of course the response is going to be that this money is going to go into people’s pockets to teach our kids to have sex and that is what economic stimulus is all about. What they won’t tell you though is that the number of unwed mothers is at an all-time high resulting in more children dependant government assistance. Guess who winds up paying for that?
Thirteen percent of American companies announced salary freezes in 2008, and 19 percent expect to do so during 2009.
"Families are tightening their belts and so should Washington," President Obama told the nation. Still, he supports an $825 billion package that will:
* Create 32 new federal programs at a cost of $136 billion;
*Bail out states with over $200 billion so they don't have to control salaries or lay off government workers, despite budget-busting spending.
Meanwhile representatives and senators received an annual salary increase of $4,700 on January 1, bringing them to $174,000 while the average U.S. worker in the private sector is going to earn $55,470.