With Israeli troops withdrawing from Gaza on Sunday an end appears to have come to a three week war between Israel and Hamas. It is unlikely that this is the last we are going to see of this conflict because even though both sides agreed to a cease fire no long-term goals were reach by either side in the negotiations.
"We didn't set out to conquer Gaza. We didn't set out to control Gaza. We don't want to remain in Gaza, and we intend on leaving Gaza as fast as possible," - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
Israel was making the point that they would no longer stand by idle as smuggled rockets were launched from Gaza at Israeli targets. However, Captain America (playing Devil’s Advocate) is taking a different stance on this military campaign.
Captain America: It is incredulous that in a perilous world any country would like to pick a fight or add fuel to a fire. But isn't that what Israel is doing? From what I can tell, Israel was "picked on" and then slammed into Gaza with a vengeance. Aren't they supposed to be a peaceful people? Why are they taking such an aggressive stance against the Hamas in Gaza? If I were the President, I would tell them to back off or we will have to limit our support. America is already seen as the country that picks fights, all we need now is an ally to be doing the same. Israel is so much bigger than this other country too - why not just work things out diplomatically? The Bush platform for the last eight years has escalated this mentality of war. President Barack Hussein Obama is coming on the scene and he will be able to bring change to foreign policy and peace to that area.
Dolphinfan: First of all it is asinine to take the position that Israel went looking to, "pick a fight" here. The Israeli offensive is the direct result of continued rocket attacks against them. The people who take this position are most likely many of the same ones who blame our government for the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and then in the same breath criticize the Bush administration for taking the War on Terror off American soil by committing our troops abroad.
Israel was much more than just "picked on" and this isn't a skirmish that just popped up out of nowhere. They've been hated by surrounding countries since they left Egypt as God's Chosen People. A person must understand Israel's position politically, religiously and geographically before taking a stance against them in this conflict.
Politically – They are America's best ally in the Middle East. The United States was the first country to recognize the State of Israel. They have supported the U.S. in military campaigns against Iraq and Libya among others. Israel maintains diplomatic relations with 161 countries and has 94 diplomatic missions around the world. However, only 3 members of the Arab League have chosen to establish to establish relationships with Israel.
Religiously – The name Israel means, "he struggles with God". It was given to Abraham's grandson, Jacob, while in route to his home country to face the music of his past misdeeds (Genesis 32:27-28). Jacob's sons became the 12 tribes of Israel who eventually grew into a nation of people while captive in Egypt for 500 years. Moses, King Saul, King David, King Solomon and Jesus of Nazareth are just a among the descendents as well as the world's current Jewish population.
The nation of Israel was established as a homeland for the Jewish people. They do not share the same beliefs nor worship the same God as their Muslim neighbors which makes them more of an enemy to the Muslim states such as Hamas and other radical Islamic extremist.
Geographically – Israel is surrounded by Muslim nations most of whom hate them simply for just being there and would like nothing more than to see them wiped clean off the face of the earth. Again, this is nothing to the Israelis who had the Philistines attempting the same thing thousands of years ago.
Israel is doing the same thing that the U.S. did in 2001 by fighting this war on the enemy's home turf instead of their own. They should be supported by the U.S. as a resolution is sought for this conflict but they shouldn't be put under embargos or have any other such punishment levied against them. Instead it is Hamas that should be disallowed to rearm after this conflict ends...
Captain America: Everything promoted by the news and written media would support the fact that Israel is escalating this war. If Israel is really just taking the fight off their soil, then why aren't we seeing more stories in the media that would support this? Personally, a couple right wing news outlets are not enough to credibly state that Israel is just protecting their people. Seems to me that there is a something going on with Bush and Chaney about this fight. Good thing they are out the door! As for Israel’s "history," I don't think that just because we supported them as a nation or that they are "God's Chosen People" should have any bearing on what we do today. Besides, isn't America just the same - we say we were founded on Christian principles? Not only that, but what makes the Jewish God better than the Muslim....or the Buddhist...God? You are just one of those far right people....
Dolphinfan: The question should be where were the news stories when Israel was being attacked with rockets? They were there but not to the extent that we are seeing now that Israel is on the offensive. It amazes me how much we forget. We've forgotten that our country was attacked in 9/11 and criticize the war effort that has prevented any more terror strikes on American soil. Now the same is happening with Israel. They were attacked first and instead of supporting them in their attempt to defend themselves the world is quick to criticize for moving the fight off their own soil. This has nothing to do with the Bush administration but everything to do with a nation's right to protect itself.
As far as the God comparison goes, no they are not the same God. The Bible has been validated through history, science and archeology. You can't say the same about the Koran and the God of the Bible certainly isn't Muhammad or Buddha. Call me what you want but what I most certainly am not is a person who ignores the facts to support an agenda.
Captain America: Fortunately, a cease fire has been recognized. With Obama in power, we will at least not have to worry about escalated war, he may even lessen the ties with Israel and countries that associate with them. I haven't forgotten 9/11, but it isn't something that I want to be reminded of all the time and then doesn't justify our attacks anymore than capital punishment for murderers. Even your God says that people should turn the other cheek and love your enemies. I think you are just trying to justify Israel’s actions.
Dolphinfan: Please note that Obama isn't in power yet and this cease fire was moderated by the Bush Administration.. America can't afford to cut ties with Israel or Jordan (country that associates with them) and I believe that Obama is smart enough to recognize that. You comment about not wanted to be reminded about 9/11 just validates my previous comments. It is much easier to just bury your head in the sand and ignore the threats to our country.
By the way turning the other cheek and granting forgiveness doesn't remove the need for justice.
"We didn't set out to conquer Gaza. We didn't set out to control Gaza. We don't want to remain in Gaza, and we intend on leaving Gaza as fast as possible," - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
Israel was making the point that they would no longer stand by idle as smuggled rockets were launched from Gaza at Israeli targets. However, Captain America (playing Devil’s Advocate) is taking a different stance on this military campaign.
Captain America: It is incredulous that in a perilous world any country would like to pick a fight or add fuel to a fire. But isn't that what Israel is doing? From what I can tell, Israel was "picked on" and then slammed into Gaza with a vengeance. Aren't they supposed to be a peaceful people? Why are they taking such an aggressive stance against the Hamas in Gaza? If I were the President, I would tell them to back off or we will have to limit our support. America is already seen as the country that picks fights, all we need now is an ally to be doing the same. Israel is so much bigger than this other country too - why not just work things out diplomatically? The Bush platform for the last eight years has escalated this mentality of war. President Barack Hussein Obama is coming on the scene and he will be able to bring change to foreign policy and peace to that area.
Dolphinfan: First of all it is asinine to take the position that Israel went looking to, "pick a fight" here. The Israeli offensive is the direct result of continued rocket attacks against them. The people who take this position are most likely many of the same ones who blame our government for the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and then in the same breath criticize the Bush administration for taking the War on Terror off American soil by committing our troops abroad.
Israel was much more than just "picked on" and this isn't a skirmish that just popped up out of nowhere. They've been hated by surrounding countries since they left Egypt as God's Chosen People. A person must understand Israel's position politically, religiously and geographically before taking a stance against them in this conflict.
Politically – They are America's best ally in the Middle East. The United States was the first country to recognize the State of Israel. They have supported the U.S. in military campaigns against Iraq and Libya among others. Israel maintains diplomatic relations with 161 countries and has 94 diplomatic missions around the world. However, only 3 members of the Arab League have chosen to establish to establish relationships with Israel.
Religiously – The name Israel means, "he struggles with God". It was given to Abraham's grandson, Jacob, while in route to his home country to face the music of his past misdeeds (Genesis 32:27-28). Jacob's sons became the 12 tribes of Israel who eventually grew into a nation of people while captive in Egypt for 500 years. Moses, King Saul, King David, King Solomon and Jesus of Nazareth are just a among the descendents as well as the world's current Jewish population.
The nation of Israel was established as a homeland for the Jewish people. They do not share the same beliefs nor worship the same God as their Muslim neighbors which makes them more of an enemy to the Muslim states such as Hamas and other radical Islamic extremist.
Geographically – Israel is surrounded by Muslim nations most of whom hate them simply for just being there and would like nothing more than to see them wiped clean off the face of the earth. Again, this is nothing to the Israelis who had the Philistines attempting the same thing thousands of years ago.
Israel is doing the same thing that the U.S. did in 2001 by fighting this war on the enemy's home turf instead of their own. They should be supported by the U.S. as a resolution is sought for this conflict but they shouldn't be put under embargos or have any other such punishment levied against them. Instead it is Hamas that should be disallowed to rearm after this conflict ends...
Captain America: Everything promoted by the news and written media would support the fact that Israel is escalating this war. If Israel is really just taking the fight off their soil, then why aren't we seeing more stories in the media that would support this? Personally, a couple right wing news outlets are not enough to credibly state that Israel is just protecting their people. Seems to me that there is a something going on with Bush and Chaney about this fight. Good thing they are out the door! As for Israel’s "history," I don't think that just because we supported them as a nation or that they are "God's Chosen People" should have any bearing on what we do today. Besides, isn't America just the same - we say we were founded on Christian principles? Not only that, but what makes the Jewish God better than the Muslim....or the Buddhist...God? You are just one of those far right people....
Dolphinfan: The question should be where were the news stories when Israel was being attacked with rockets? They were there but not to the extent that we are seeing now that Israel is on the offensive. It amazes me how much we forget. We've forgotten that our country was attacked in 9/11 and criticize the war effort that has prevented any more terror strikes on American soil. Now the same is happening with Israel. They were attacked first and instead of supporting them in their attempt to defend themselves the world is quick to criticize for moving the fight off their own soil. This has nothing to do with the Bush administration but everything to do with a nation's right to protect itself.
As far as the God comparison goes, no they are not the same God. The Bible has been validated through history, science and archeology. You can't say the same about the Koran and the God of the Bible certainly isn't Muhammad or Buddha. Call me what you want but what I most certainly am not is a person who ignores the facts to support an agenda.
Captain America: Fortunately, a cease fire has been recognized. With Obama in power, we will at least not have to worry about escalated war, he may even lessen the ties with Israel and countries that associate with them. I haven't forgotten 9/11, but it isn't something that I want to be reminded of all the time and then doesn't justify our attacks anymore than capital punishment for murderers. Even your God says that people should turn the other cheek and love your enemies. I think you are just trying to justify Israel’s actions.
Dolphinfan: Please note that Obama isn't in power yet and this cease fire was moderated by the Bush Administration.. America can't afford to cut ties with Israel or Jordan (country that associates with them) and I believe that Obama is smart enough to recognize that. You comment about not wanted to be reminded about 9/11 just validates my previous comments. It is much easier to just bury your head in the sand and ignore the threats to our country.
By the way turning the other cheek and granting forgiveness doesn't remove the need for justice.
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