Faber - He is known for his predictions, often "doom" related. Faber has earned the name Dr. Doom because of these predictions hard many times hard to swallow.
What I happen to like the most about the below video (notice the highlights in the timeline of the video) is that he holds nothing back and is as serious as a heart-attack. However, he lives elsewhere...thus "we laugh at Obama!"
Why can't we have democrat and republican leaders stand up and call it like it is? He says we need to tighten the belt for at least five years! Whew - now that is playing hard ball!
All that said...it is terrible that our President does not illicit respect on the world-wide scale.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Union of the State, 1/25/11
One person said on Facebook: "Pondering rhetoric vs. substance."
Does anyone really believe (beside the media...) that Obama believes much of anything he said tonight? Further, did anyone else catch that there was a list of wants followed by "we are going to put a freeze on the budget."
Seriously, you cannot have both.
Education - The President did get some of this right. We are failing and we need to get it fixed. Education needs to supersede sports....ha! Yeah, that'll happen. It should though - other countries laugh at us!
Tax - Still class envy, which will destroy us. More Rhetoric and failure options.
Korea - Really? This is all "you got?" 70,000 jobs there - sure, sign me up. :{
Recovery Act - K. That worked.
Jobs - Your Achilles heel. We've hovered at 10% nearly your entire presidency and you were hot on this at the start.
Clean Energy - 1 Million electric cars!?! Why? They run (at best) just under 100 miles (if you drive like a granny) on an 8hr charge! Then the cars run on fossil fuels. What charges them - household electricity. What fuels the household: coal, nuclear, etc.
Litany of Govt "Investments" - who's paying? Yep, bend over.... OH! BUT WE ARE FREEZING THE BUDGET! Which you said back a couple years ago too. And, thanks for explaining why you didn't work on this "immediately."
Earmark reform - i.e. The Health Care Bill?
Everyday is not Election Day - Really? That would be nice to see with you too.
Basically, it was a love fest with the Speaker and Vice shaking hands or bumping fists; McCain cuddling with Kerry and many others abstaining from segregation. Applause was muted, cheers limited and even the President seemed to be lackluster.
With two republican responses (so says the News Media), I wonder how the Republicans will carry on in the wake of Tucson. Further, when will the New Speaker quit crying?
Does anyone really believe (beside the media...) that Obama believes much of anything he said tonight? Further, did anyone else catch that there was a list of wants followed by "we are going to put a freeze on the budget."
Seriously, you cannot have both.
Education - The President did get some of this right. We are failing and we need to get it fixed. Education needs to supersede sports....ha! Yeah, that'll happen. It should though - other countries laugh at us!
Tax - Still class envy, which will destroy us. More Rhetoric and failure options.
Korea - Really? This is all "you got?" 70,000 jobs there - sure, sign me up. :{
Recovery Act - K. That worked.
Jobs - Your Achilles heel. We've hovered at 10% nearly your entire presidency and you were hot on this at the start.
Clean Energy - 1 Million electric cars!?! Why? They run (at best) just under 100 miles (if you drive like a granny) on an 8hr charge! Then the cars run on fossil fuels. What charges them - household electricity. What fuels the household: coal, nuclear, etc.
Litany of Govt "Investments" - who's paying? Yep, bend over.... OH! BUT WE ARE FREEZING THE BUDGET! Which you said back a couple years ago too. And, thanks for explaining why you didn't work on this "immediately."
Earmark reform - i.e. The Health Care Bill?
Everyday is not Election Day - Really? That would be nice to see with you too.
Basically, it was a love fest with the Speaker and Vice shaking hands or bumping fists; McCain cuddling with Kerry and many others abstaining from segregation. Applause was muted, cheers limited and even the President seemed to be lackluster.
With two republican responses (so says the News Media), I wonder how the Republicans will carry on in the wake of Tucson. Further, when will the New Speaker quit crying?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Spirit of Founders Ignited
Take a moment to watch this WHOLE video clip. Put your PC, religious or political bias aside...think through the valid analogistic ideas presented. I yield my time to Mr. James Lankford - may he continue to hold NOTHING back!
Think Al Gore was bad...Try Obamanet!
(From American Family Association):
ObamaNet - Government issued Internet ID card required for all Americans
The government will be able to track every web site you visit, every keystroke you send, every purchase you make, every blog comment, and every Facebook and Twitter post.
The Washington Times is warning that the White House cyber-security adviser and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke are drawing up "ObamaNet," President Obama's mandate for what amounts to a national ID card for the Internet.
President Obama wants to establish passwords for every citizen to centralize your personal information. Instead of logging onto Facebook or one's bank using separate passwords established with each individual company or website, you will be required to use the government-issued password.
According to the Washington Times, here are the problems with "ObamaNet":
•The government will be able to track every website you visit and every keystroke you send on your home computer.
•The government will be able to track every purchase you make and every deposit and withdrawal, and gain access to your electronic health care records.
•The government will be able to track every blog comment you make, along with every Facebook and Twitter post.
•The government will be able to create lists of your friends and acquaintances and lists of all your political affiliations, political donations, club memberships, hobbies and interests.
•It's impossible for the government to make this system 100% secure (remember Wikileaks?) meaning criminals would need to steal only one key to unlock a vast amount of your personal and financial information.
Although the White House will tell you it is a voluntary program, the government "voluntary" programs too often end up becoming mandatory. If you think this is not a problem you are part of the 1% of people (out of nearly 5900) that think the government is more trustworthy than secure websites!
If you still think that you do not need to act against this administration, then you are sadly ignorant and simply duped. It is not racial. It is not hate. It is not intolerance. Rather, action against the progressively liberal (ie. Marxist, Communist, UnConstitutional) policies of this administration are patriotic and in support of the conservative republic that this country was founded to be!!
ACT NOW! Contact your Senators and Representatives!
ObamaNet - Government issued Internet ID card required for all Americans
The government will be able to track every web site you visit, every keystroke you send, every purchase you make, every blog comment, and every Facebook and Twitter post.
The Washington Times is warning that the White House cyber-security adviser and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke are drawing up "ObamaNet," President Obama's mandate for what amounts to a national ID card for the Internet.
President Obama wants to establish passwords for every citizen to centralize your personal information. Instead of logging onto Facebook or one's bank using separate passwords established with each individual company or website, you will be required to use the government-issued password.
According to the Washington Times, here are the problems with "ObamaNet":
•The government will be able to track every website you visit and every keystroke you send on your home computer.
•The government will be able to track every purchase you make and every deposit and withdrawal, and gain access to your electronic health care records.
•The government will be able to track every blog comment you make, along with every Facebook and Twitter post.
•The government will be able to create lists of your friends and acquaintances and lists of all your political affiliations, political donations, club memberships, hobbies and interests.
•It's impossible for the government to make this system 100% secure (remember Wikileaks?) meaning criminals would need to steal only one key to unlock a vast amount of your personal and financial information.
Although the White House will tell you it is a voluntary program, the government "voluntary" programs too often end up becoming mandatory. If you think this is not a problem you are part of the 1% of people (out of nearly 5900) that think the government is more trustworthy than secure websites!
If you still think that you do not need to act against this administration, then you are sadly ignorant and simply duped. It is not racial. It is not hate. It is not intolerance. Rather, action against the progressively liberal (ie. Marxist, Communist, UnConstitutional) policies of this administration are patriotic and in support of the conservative republic that this country was founded to be!!
ACT NOW! Contact your Senators and Representatives!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Media...acting as Media
I will simply allow the words of Dana Loesch of Big Journalism speak for themselves. It is time that our media be held accountable for their words. Repulicans and conservatives should not shrink back, but should stand tall.
Enjoy the read through this link.
Enjoy the read through this link.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
What we have here is a failure to communicate...
Great words - they will likely echo through time. However, if the Obama admin has its way, communication will be harder. Let's take a black President out of the mix and simply insert an equally unqualified, hyper-liberal, closet-exiting Marxist white President. In either case, when you hear FCC, Fairness Doctrine, net neutrality, freedom of speech, and a host of natural energy, environmental, debt reduction, fast food tax, vehicle choice, budget and tax related issues; well, let's just say you need to pucker up!
One thing is fair to say: common sense is not part of the mix. Definitely not the common sense you and I think about.
Obama's admin has admitted that they want internet security cards or IDs. Later in the article, they say "we need the private sector to lead the way in this." Seriously? The private sector has lead the way in the internet security game since it started. What part of the internet is not private sector...other than .govs?
Not only that, but they couch it in terms of "eliminating the need to memorize multiple passwords." Who would argue against that? But here's the reality - there are programs or apps out there that do just this already! The private sector has already beat the government to this! Just one that has been out for years is Roboform.
Name one thing outside of national defense and roads (both even have their issues!) that government involvement has worked. Medicare is near flat-line. Social Security is insecure. DHS is inhumane. Education has flunked. Outside of providing entitlements and jobs to way to many duplicated positions, government destroys what it touches. Sure, there are good things the government does here and there and often, since good people design bills, they are from good intentions; but, the fact remains: government needs to step aside and let The People make it happen.
In this case of internet IDs, the government doesn't even know (well, they do, they just don't think you are smart enough to figure that out) we have private sector solution already. Hackers won't disappear and close up shop just because the government designs "a better system." Predators do not cease to stalk because Big Brother is watching. No, the reality would be quite the opposite. (ie. gun control).
Oh, yeah - the truth? The truth is, they just want control of the internet. This has nothing to do with their smoke-screens. Just as with the fast food inferences, the vaccine conspiracy theories, the environment, natural resources....the desire and end game is they want control. Think Marxism on steroids.
So call your officials and let them know you oppose this nonsense. Silence is not Golden....
Great words - they will likely echo through time. However, if the Obama admin has its way, communication will be harder. Let's take a black President out of the mix and simply insert an equally unqualified, hyper-liberal, closet-exiting Marxist white President. In either case, when you hear FCC, Fairness Doctrine, net neutrality, freedom of speech, and a host of natural energy, environmental, debt reduction, fast food tax, vehicle choice, budget and tax related issues; well, let's just say you need to pucker up!
One thing is fair to say: common sense is not part of the mix. Definitely not the common sense you and I think about.
Obama's admin has admitted that they want internet security cards or IDs. Later in the article, they say "we need the private sector to lead the way in this." Seriously? The private sector has lead the way in the internet security game since it started. What part of the internet is not private sector...other than .govs?
Not only that, but they couch it in terms of "eliminating the need to memorize multiple passwords." Who would argue against that? But here's the reality - there are programs or apps out there that do just this already! The private sector has already beat the government to this! Just one that has been out for years is Roboform.
Name one thing outside of national defense and roads (both even have their issues!) that government involvement has worked. Medicare is near flat-line. Social Security is insecure. DHS is inhumane. Education has flunked. Outside of providing entitlements and jobs to way to many duplicated positions, government destroys what it touches. Sure, there are good things the government does here and there and often, since good people design bills, they are from good intentions; but, the fact remains: government needs to step aside and let The People make it happen.
In this case of internet IDs, the government doesn't even know (well, they do, they just don't think you are smart enough to figure that out) we have private sector solution already. Hackers won't disappear and close up shop just because the government designs "a better system." Predators do not cease to stalk because Big Brother is watching. No, the reality would be quite the opposite. (ie. gun control).
Oh, yeah - the truth? The truth is, they just want control of the internet. This has nothing to do with their smoke-screens. Just as with the fast food inferences, the vaccine conspiracy theories, the environment, natural resources....the desire and end game is they want control. Think Marxism on steroids.
So call your officials and let them know you oppose this nonsense. Silence is not Golden....
"Hate You!" = No Guns? =Speech Police?
Huffington Post: "On Saturday Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik called Arizona "the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry." Today the sheriff continued on the same theme:
"I think that when the rhetoric about hatred, about mistrust of government, about paranoia of how government operates and to try to inflame the public on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, has impact on people especially who are unbalanced personalities to begin with."
He also called his state "the tombstone of the United States of America."
REPORTER: What are your observations about the state of Arizona gun laws in light of what happened?
DUPNIK: Well, I think we're the tombstone of the United States of America.... I have never been a proponent of letting everybody in this state carry weapons under any circumstances that they want, and that's almost where we are. "
This is just what we need...a dweeb on YouTube, overlooked....taking his rhetoric to the public in the form of guns and killing. I feel like I am chiming in late, but I wanted to see what would be said about these very tragic shootings. An attack on the 2nd Amendment is not what is needed as a result of this weekend; nor the First Amendment. We certainly do not need the Fairness Act!
The above snippet from the HP is what I feared. As I glean and understand, the shooter was a leftist, Marxist leaning individual with some weird ideas...though they are not out of reach. America is disintegrating into a socialist nation. People like Jared Lee Loughner incite this terrible stuff. This boy shot people that are totally opposite from what he stated he read and thus believed.
Why is this being directed to the Tea Party? The Tea Party is for small government not anti-government. The Tea Party is for a strong Dollar not new currency. The Tea Party is for Liberty and the American ideals that have roots back to the Magna Carta and the Biblical appeal for equality among mankind. The Tea Party is for self-government, responsibility and work ethic...not anarchy and shooting someone.
Do not be fooled. Know your history. My daughter is reading about the American Revolution - we fought against Great Britain and many of the oppressions that we are beginning to see today. If our elected officials would act on behalf of the American Peoples' desires....I doubt the shooting would have happened. Further, if we believed what the Colonists believed and fought to save in the American Revolution, then we would be a much stronger unified country.
We need solid, Constitutionally conservative, Christian, morally based, principle approach persons making tough, unpopular, serious, non-poll based decisions. If this would happen, English would be the official language, immigration would be controlled correctly, deficits would be addressed, the budget would be put into check, the President would not implement a budget with over 3 Trillion in spending, our national security would be solid, military stronger, education more superior to any country, and .... our political and economic status would not be such that these shootings would have happened.
That is the plain truth.
"I think that when the rhetoric about hatred, about mistrust of government, about paranoia of how government operates and to try to inflame the public on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, has impact on people especially who are unbalanced personalities to begin with."
He also called his state "the tombstone of the United States of America."
REPORTER: What are your observations about the state of Arizona gun laws in light of what happened?
DUPNIK: Well, I think we're the tombstone of the United States of America.... I have never been a proponent of letting everybody in this state carry weapons under any circumstances that they want, and that's almost where we are. "
This is just what we need...a dweeb on YouTube, overlooked....taking his rhetoric to the public in the form of guns and killing. I feel like I am chiming in late, but I wanted to see what would be said about these very tragic shootings. An attack on the 2nd Amendment is not what is needed as a result of this weekend; nor the First Amendment. We certainly do not need the Fairness Act!
The above snippet from the HP is what I feared. As I glean and understand, the shooter was a leftist, Marxist leaning individual with some weird ideas...though they are not out of reach. America is disintegrating into a socialist nation. People like Jared Lee Loughner incite this terrible stuff. This boy shot people that are totally opposite from what he stated he read and thus believed.
Why is this being directed to the Tea Party? The Tea Party is for small government not anti-government. The Tea Party is for a strong Dollar not new currency. The Tea Party is for Liberty and the American ideals that have roots back to the Magna Carta and the Biblical appeal for equality among mankind. The Tea Party is for self-government, responsibility and work ethic...not anarchy and shooting someone.
Do not be fooled. Know your history. My daughter is reading about the American Revolution - we fought against Great Britain and many of the oppressions that we are beginning to see today. If our elected officials would act on behalf of the American Peoples' desires....I doubt the shooting would have happened. Further, if we believed what the Colonists believed and fought to save in the American Revolution, then we would be a much stronger unified country.
We need solid, Constitutionally conservative, Christian, morally based, principle approach persons making tough, unpopular, serious, non-poll based decisions. If this would happen, English would be the official language, immigration would be controlled correctly, deficits would be addressed, the budget would be put into check, the President would not implement a budget with over 3 Trillion in spending, our national security would be solid, military stronger, education more superior to any country, and .... our political and economic status would not be such that these shootings would have happened.
That is the plain truth.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
"It's Still Just Me" Doesn't Cut It
The shoot down and minimization begins.
The Washington Post is out with an article comparing Newt Gingerich to John Boehner. Both took hold of the gavel as a result of conservative upswings and disdain for the congress. However, Gingerich - he was heavy on task and words. Boehner is yet to be seen...but, he was much less in words.
Maybe this is good. Maybe this means "we're going to act first and talk later." This I like. Flattery. Words. They get us nowhere. Moreover, PC language has set this country for self destruction.
"It's Just Me" is fine if it conceals your coalition of stonewall action against the liberal agenda....otherwise, we need solid confidence that takes intuitive, common sense based action mimicking the American collective desire for conservative supremacy. There is a mandate, and political suicide is there for those who do not do Americans' bidding!
Action is what we need Boehner - plain and simple:
Action to repeal Obama Care.
Action to address state to state health care options.
Action to cut, slice and dice the budget.
Action to pay down debt.
Action to resist pork and home projects.
Action to restore Founding Principles.
Action to limit time spent on welfare, unemployment and other government subsidies.
Action to motivate the private sector to do what it should but isn't because of so much govt. control.
Action to lessen the shadow of Big Government.
Action to remain Constitutional.
Action to strengthen our borders, follow immigration laws; purge these laws and enforce them.
Action to show strong defense, national character and inner strength.
The list may go on...for sure. We have many ails. We must stop the bleeding. We must tighten the belt. Individually and corporately (nationally).
So Newt was the "tiger...." maybe Boehner is simply sly, confident, discerning and will strike as needed and when needed...just as fiercely.
We can only hope. No...we can call constantly and encourage action with our senators and representatives. The Washington Post states that Boehner is "riding the tiger in his party;" well, LET US ROAR!
The Washington Post is out with an article comparing Newt Gingerich to John Boehner. Both took hold of the gavel as a result of conservative upswings and disdain for the congress. However, Gingerich - he was heavy on task and words. Boehner is yet to be seen...but, he was much less in words.
Maybe this is good. Maybe this means "we're going to act first and talk later." This I like. Flattery. Words. They get us nowhere. Moreover, PC language has set this country for self destruction.
"It's Just Me" is fine if it conceals your coalition of stonewall action against the liberal agenda....otherwise, we need solid confidence that takes intuitive, common sense based action mimicking the American collective desire for conservative supremacy. There is a mandate, and political suicide is there for those who do not do Americans' bidding!
Action is what we need Boehner - plain and simple:
Action to repeal Obama Care.
Action to address state to state health care options.
Action to cut, slice and dice the budget.
Action to pay down debt.
Action to resist pork and home projects.
Action to restore Founding Principles.
Action to limit time spent on welfare, unemployment and other government subsidies.
Action to motivate the private sector to do what it should but isn't because of so much govt. control.
Action to lessen the shadow of Big Government.
Action to remain Constitutional.
Action to strengthen our borders, follow immigration laws; purge these laws and enforce them.
Action to show strong defense, national character and inner strength.
The list may go on...for sure. We have many ails. We must stop the bleeding. We must tighten the belt. Individually and corporately (nationally).
So Newt was the "tiger...." maybe Boehner is simply sly, confident, discerning and will strike as needed and when needed...just as fiercely.
We can only hope. No...we can call constantly and encourage action with our senators and representatives. The Washington Post states that Boehner is "riding the tiger in his party;" well, LET US ROAR!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Congress to Restart – Republicans set to Slash
How much wood could a Republican Senator cut if a Republican Senator could cut budgets? Wait, did I just mix things up? Maybe it is…”How much mud could a Liberal chuck if a Republican would cut budgets?” Well, either way, someone is going to be on the hot-seat!
Risky business. Yes. But we sent them there. Across the board, America voted red. Even in states like Oklahoma, blue is slightly or more red than blue…purple? However, the Public Thumb MUST be kept pressed on Senators such as Tom Cole-D, OK. Thus, stick to what was promised. Establish the platform, word it correctly, address those affected and make the cuts.
Americans automatically understand, for the most part, that if there is not money in the bank…there is not a way to buy stuff. Enter credit….loan sharks. There is a limit to what you can borrow. We know this. Most understand that you cannot go too far. Most understand you have to work for what you get. But this is changing – with the greed and entitlement approach to political gain, we are borrowing more than we save or produce. The American political debt is too high! By a failing percentage of roughly 40%, Americans do not understand basic financial knowledge. That said, I do not believe there is an American out there that think they can print their own money….
Risky business. Yes – all around. Congress must address the debt situation on a personal basis, bring it home to every American and then address the cuts that MUST happen. The cuts may take $700 away from pell grants to students each year; they may take away some medicare and social security; they may tighten loans, lessen money for roads; etc….but just like at home, there is a limit as to what we can do. As for pell grants...you mean One may have to pay for college? Isn't that the way it should be? Printing money is not helping the matter – printing money is going to bring about serious inflation. It is all ready coming…just think of what you used to pay for coke, Oreos, chips, milk, etc. Look at the cost of gas - OVER $3/gallon national average.
Our Constitution provides for national security, domestic security and limited government. We have dug this ditch…it is time to get out of it. It may hurt for a while. There may be those that loose. I may be hurt. But America is a land in which from day one we sought independent living and individual liberty. The effects of the Magna Carta and laws such as habeas corpus were ingrained into our lives. We moved west and built, survived, thrived, and were enterprising. We will do it again – even if we have to pull our own selves up by the proverbial bootstraps. We will fight for these things, 2010 was evidence of it. It is time to make it happen again.
Call your Senators and Representatives. Let them know you support the cuts. Slash it all by 10% - real businesses do it every year to make ends meet. They do it regardless of the employees and sometime for the strong employees. This is a common sense “must do” - it is plain and simple. To stay in the black, businesses have to make unpopular cuts. Our Senators need to make drastic cuts and they need our support. Help them make it happen.
Repost. Retweet. Facebook this article. Do whatever you can to help pass the word around.
Risky business. Yes. But we sent them there. Across the board, America voted red. Even in states like Oklahoma, blue is slightly or more red than blue…purple? However, the Public Thumb MUST be kept pressed on Senators such as Tom Cole-D, OK. Thus, stick to what was promised. Establish the platform, word it correctly, address those affected and make the cuts.
Americans automatically understand, for the most part, that if there is not money in the bank…there is not a way to buy stuff. Enter credit….loan sharks. There is a limit to what you can borrow. We know this. Most understand that you cannot go too far. Most understand you have to work for what you get. But this is changing – with the greed and entitlement approach to political gain, we are borrowing more than we save or produce. The American political debt is too high! By a failing percentage of roughly 40%, Americans do not understand basic financial knowledge. That said, I do not believe there is an American out there that think they can print their own money….
Risky business. Yes – all around. Congress must address the debt situation on a personal basis, bring it home to every American and then address the cuts that MUST happen. The cuts may take $700 away from pell grants to students each year; they may take away some medicare and social security; they may tighten loans, lessen money for roads; etc….but just like at home, there is a limit as to what we can do. As for pell grants...you mean One may have to pay for college? Isn't that the way it should be? Printing money is not helping the matter – printing money is going to bring about serious inflation. It is all ready coming…just think of what you used to pay for coke, Oreos, chips, milk, etc. Look at the cost of gas - OVER $3/gallon national average.
Our Constitution provides for national security, domestic security and limited government. We have dug this ditch…it is time to get out of it. It may hurt for a while. There may be those that loose. I may be hurt. But America is a land in which from day one we sought independent living and individual liberty. The effects of the Magna Carta and laws such as habeas corpus were ingrained into our lives. We moved west and built, survived, thrived, and were enterprising. We will do it again – even if we have to pull our own selves up by the proverbial bootstraps. We will fight for these things, 2010 was evidence of it. It is time to make it happen again.
Call your Senators and Representatives. Let them know you support the cuts. Slash it all by 10% - real businesses do it every year to make ends meet. They do it regardless of the employees and sometime for the strong employees. This is a common sense “must do” - it is plain and simple. To stay in the black, businesses have to make unpopular cuts. Our Senators need to make drastic cuts and they need our support. Help them make it happen.
Repost. Retweet. Facebook this article. Do whatever you can to help pass the word around.
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