Sunday, January 9, 2011


What we have here is a failure to communicate...

Great words - they will likely echo through time. However, if the Obama admin has its way, communication will be harder. Let's take a black President out of the mix and simply insert an equally unqualified, hyper-liberal, closet-exiting Marxist white President. In either case, when you hear FCC, Fairness Doctrine, net neutrality, freedom of speech, and a host of natural energy, environmental, debt reduction, fast food tax, vehicle choice, budget and tax related issues; well, let's just say you need to pucker up!

One thing is fair to say: common sense is not part of the mix. Definitely not the common sense you and I think about.

Obama's admin has admitted that they want internet security cards or IDs. Later in the article, they say "we need the private sector to lead the way in this." Seriously? The private sector has lead the way in the internet security game since it started. What part of the internet is not private sector...other than .govs?

Not only that, but they couch it in terms of "eliminating the need to memorize multiple passwords." Who would argue against that? But here's the reality - there are programs or apps out there that do just this already! The private sector has already beat the government to this! Just one that has been out for years is Roboform.

Name one thing outside of national defense and roads (both even have their issues!) that government involvement has worked. Medicare is near flat-line. Social Security is insecure. DHS is inhumane. Education has flunked. Outside of providing entitlements and jobs to way to many duplicated positions, government destroys what it touches. Sure, there are good things the government does here and there and often, since good people design bills, they are from good intentions; but, the fact remains: government needs to step aside and let The People make it happen.

In this case of internet IDs, the government doesn't even know (well, they do, they just don't think you are smart enough to figure that out) we have private sector solution already. Hackers won't disappear and close up shop just because the government designs "a better system." Predators do not cease to stalk because Big Brother is watching. No, the reality would be quite the opposite. (ie. gun control).

Oh, yeah - the truth? The truth is, they just want control of the internet. This has nothing to do with their smoke-screens. Just as with the fast food inferences, the vaccine conspiracy theories, the environment, natural resources....the desire and end game is they want control. Think Marxism on steroids.

So call your officials and let them know you oppose this nonsense. Silence is not Golden....

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