While he "protected" the US and withheld the photos of Gitmo detainees being "tortured," tomorrow he is back at screwing America! Tomorrow, our "historic" President, with a historic play set on the White House lawn, and a historic speech at Notre Dame'...is going to announce historic new CAFE standards for cars produced or sold in US. They will have to go 35MPG by 2020.
Thus, you will have to drive this:

Let's just use common sense on this one. American families average four members (actually 4.33). Can you really see them fitting? You can? Ok. Imagine vacation. Car-top carrier? Seriously - it would be nearly as big as the car! My kids take their PSP, DS, dolls, legos and anything else worth entertaining them on trips - ain't no-way-no. And, we have not even begun to consider the camera, video camera, their bag(s), my laptop bag and my wife's creative memory bag or other craft. Further, more than half our trips are for dance or baseball competitions or tournaments - thus, we have gear and leotards. Then, there are camping trips, Branson Trips, Road Trips and the like. Each of these bring their own requirements from tents to guns and frisbees to floaties...oh, wait, they only hold two...
Are we getting the picture?
"Whining and unconcerned about the "carbon footprint" real people cars make" - is your response to common sense? What about safety? Mark Levin, echos the obvious: Physics. Physics says that the larger vehicle is going to survive the accident...Look at the pix above again - do the people CRAMMED in the back have a chance on rear impact - which is most common? In a T-bone impact, will your significant other survive the whiplash - much less the jabbing pain of the door cutting them in half? Even if all cars and transport vehicles on the road (ie. GIANT Diesel Trucks) were the same size as this smart car...they would still not withstand impacts - just watch a Honda on Honda impact.
SERIOUSLY! This isn't smart: not in a business world, not in a common sense world, not with safety, not with our manufacturers - no matter the koolaid spin that is in the love affair media this afternoon. Will the left and their leadership stop at nothing to destroy us? Is America that bad? What other country is concerned about their carbon footprint? For that matter, who started that phrase? Will we have to choke on GREEN?
Oh, and it pains me to see the OU (University of OK) logo on the "Smart" Car...