I have been reading through Matthew and in Mt. 24:35 Jesus speaks, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." I think I understand about what is communicating in that, ..."but my words will never pass away", but both heaven and earth will? What does this mean? If you could enlighten me, I would be most appreciative.
In this text (Matthew 24:26-35) Jesus is talking specifically about his return and the concept of eternity. To the people of the time the world and the sun, moon and stars (heaven) were concrete. They had always been there and there was no concept of time in the sense of eternal thinking.
Jesus was making the point that at some period of your existence (before you step into eternity) you are going to have to put your trust in things other than what is temporal, and look at the things that are eternal. At the point of judgment (be it at the time of your passing or at upon the return of Christ) there is nothing in nature or science that will have the power to save you. Only belief in Jesus Christ as Savior and the trust that we have in his teachings will gain us entry into the eternal Kingdom of God. It is the only thing that truly will last forever.
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