Wednesday, May 20, 2009


One has to admit it - CA voters stuck it to the Obominator (Schwartzenegger) ...again! Remember Prop 8? While he was lovey-dovey with the President in DC, CA voters pushed back! The Schwartz has to wonder what he is doing - I'd also think that he cannot avoid the "DEAD END" sign that is in front of him. "Republican" or not, he's tainted goods... Anyway, here's what they voted on:

California is a liberal state. We all know that and need no dissertation on the facts that support this...California is "dark blue," to quote Hannity. However, I perceive a hint of red blood, new red blood entering the state. Why? Cause even liberals love their money and enjoy keeping most of it to themselves. The dilema they live is in is "how do they get your money and give it to others while keeping theirs? So, with several propositions on the public chopping block yesterday, CA voters said, with resounding unaminity, "NO MORE TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!"

Here is the deal: California is a trend setter. Anything that happens often originates there. For instance, the CAFE standards - which make absolutely no sense in the economic state we are in....but I digress. Back on subject: so, to see such a massive vote against these propositions with the flood of money pushing them sheds a large amount of hope to the rest of the Nation.

California is a welfare state with fat pig politicians handing candy out laced with poison hoping that their constituants will be to wasted to revolt. They take and take and take, but nothing to show for it. Prop 1F shows what voters thought about giving these irresponsible politicians raises! Overwhelming "NO!" Maybe California is a foreshadowing; a writing on the wall you might say...for those on Obama's coat tails.

To see for yourself, click here for the voting results or check these pix out:

Monday, May 18, 2009


Hussein Obama at it again....

While he "protected" the US and withheld the photos of Gitmo detainees being "tortured," tomorrow he is back at screwing America! Tomorrow, our "historic" President, with a historic play set on the White House lawn, and a historic speech at Notre Dame' going to announce historic new CAFE standards for cars produced or sold in US. They will have to go 35MPG by 2020.

Thus, you will have to drive this:

Let's just use common sense on this one. American families average four members (actually 4.33). Can you really see them fitting? You can? Ok. Imagine vacation. Car-top carrier? Seriously - it would be nearly as big as the car! My kids take their PSP, DS, dolls, legos and anything else worth entertaining them on trips - ain't no-way-no. And, we have not even begun to consider the camera, video camera, their bag(s), my laptop bag and my wife's creative memory bag or other craft. Further, more than half our trips are for dance or baseball competitions or tournaments - thus, we have gear and leotards. Then, there are camping trips, Branson Trips, Road Trips and the like. Each of these bring their own requirements from tents to guns and frisbees to floaties...oh, wait, they only hold two...

Are we getting the picture?

"Whining and unconcerned about the "carbon footprint" real people cars make" - is your response to common sense? What about safety? Mark Levin, echos the obvious: Physics. Physics says that the larger vehicle is going to survive the accident...Look at the pix above again - do the people CRAMMED in the back have a chance on rear impact - which is most common? In a T-bone impact, will your significant other survive the whiplash - much less the jabbing pain of the door cutting them in half? Even if all cars and transport vehicles on the road (ie. GIANT Diesel Trucks) were the same size as this smart car...they would still not withstand impacts - just watch a Honda on Honda impact.

SERIOUSLY! This isn't smart: not in a business world, not in a common sense world, not with safety, not with our manufacturers - no matter the koolaid spin that is in the love affair media this afternoon. Will the left and their leadership stop at nothing to destroy us? Is America that bad? What other country is concerned about their carbon footprint? For that matter, who started that phrase? Will we have to choke on GREEN?

Oh, and it pains me to see the OU (University of OK) logo on the "Smart" Car...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


You see, there is just too much going on.... Seriously, it is mind-boggling what this world is coming to. Essentially, we're screwed. But to expound, there are a growing number of countries in debt and amounts of debt are compiling. Loans are coming due and nothing to pay them back. IMF is already soft shelling the potential need to seek help from the West. Excuse me, but aren't we in debt too? How could we be of help? Oh, yeah...we already print play money.

When will leaders gain a back bone and just say: "Hey, buckle up folks, we are in for a rough ride. Sorry, we can't just print more Monopoly money, gold is not backing us up and well, business is not our forte." You get the pic - we need real leadership.

But we won't do that. We will keep printing, borrowing and bailing out. We will continue to pass out entitlements....even in the face of the SS and Medicare Trust funds being depleted by 2012 and 20? (SS). This is down from 2008 estimates of 2018 and 2032! Instead, we march on down the road to full government control and only the mammoth General Electric, GE, types will survive. And, they want it that way - they want the government control - the small guys will not make it. Taxes, inflation, regulations and such will be too much for them. Unions too seek this - why do you think they are in bed with the government for the buyouts; why card check. WHY?

Ask yourself WHY? You will begin to wonder and wonder is the source of self education. Your mind will explode at what is not being promoted on TV!

Friday, May 8, 2009

$$328,000 PHOTOGRAPH & other crap

$328K PIX
I will not tire my fingers much on this...but why is Obama concealing this photo-op so much? This is crazy. Californians are hurting incredibly! In the south valley - nearly 40% of at least one town is unemployed. On average across the US is 8% - the highest in decades!

Yet, the Obama administration orchestrated a fly-over....and over NEW YORK CITY?!? Anyone remember 9/11? Did this run through anyone's mind prior to the flight check?

And don't get me started on the "I didn't know it happened" crap - he is the president and last time I checked, in case of security emergency he is briefed upon the whereabouts of both planes and helicopters daily/hourly so he gets there! Or, that it is a training mission?
By the way, above pic is a photo shop version of the real thing - both icons were snapped at different times....cost considerably less than 320K via Photoshop!

Just watched the news and crops in the valley are failing both due to crops and ... a tiny minnow. Obviously, California needs rain, but the pumps have irrefutably been halted by mandate from DC due to a little minnow on the "extinction list." The minnow gets caught in the pumps and dies. Ahhhh. What about the farmer? What about the oranges, grapes and many other crops in the valley that depend on the water pumped from the delta?

Seriously, the tree huggers need to be stopped. At some point common sense has to prevail.

Let me ask a question no one ever asks: at what point in time does the American Baby become important to the Enviro-wackos? In a few short years, relatively speaking, the American Baby may be on the extinction list. If American families do not produce 2.33 kids or more per family, America is on the path to no longer procreate itself. We'll come back to this one day.... Google it!

I am sad to read in USA Today that A-Rod and Ramirez are on the drug list. Our kids look up to these guys. While I don't call for government involvement, I believe the baseball commission should take a tougher stand. Otherwise, double speak will rule and youngsters will not learn that drugs (even enhancement types) are bad. Who will stick their necks out there and do more than a hand slap?

Obama was given an honorary doctorate by Notre Dame. The Vatican says this is horrible and the President, who is anti-life and family should not be given a platform for his ideology. I say, "way to go!"

With unemployment surging, one has to ask when we will all take up the card board sign I literally saw the other day with my kids: "Why lie, need money for cigs and beer!" It was a blue/white collar looking white guy out there. Clean-cut, about 40ish. Couldn't believe it. Yet, the stimulus is not stimulating. Government is growing...I guess that is stimulus?...

USA Today reports that we may face years of sluggish growth. That doesn't sound good. What do we get...swine flu.

The Homeland Security has stated that there will no longer be daily updates. Pigs are tired. Or is it that the President's administration has moved on to something else...? See the flu is bad, and will likely be real bad this fall...but I don't think it was so bad - it was a diversion tactic.

Sure that makes some alternate universe somewhere... Geesh, can this guy mess one more thing up? Oh, yeah, he has!

Congrats! Politicians made money off the bailout and now ... or shortly to come ... the government owns 50% stock in GM. Yeah, that makes sense too. Since when does the government know anything about cars ... let alone running a business or managing a budget or a retirement plan (ie. Social Security)! Seriously, stamp "stupid" on our collective head - please!

...Stan, who's Stan? I don't know, but surely he's gonna break out the nukes soon too! Not six months into the candidacy and I am thinking COLD WAR thoughts again! And don't forget Korea - don't even google them! Or China... Or Georgia and Russia... Okay, so Stan may not have nukes....hope he has a gun or two....

Congratulations Joan! The poker-face was canned last night. That's a great idea politically. Not only that, but Joan seems to have backbone, fortitude and convictions!

I digress....


Whether you like him, dislike him or love him - you must admit that when Obama stopped a "tradition" that has been going on for over 20 years, even in the Clinton years. His actions spoke louder than any words, pauses or "uh, ums" could. Obama missed the prayer breakfast in DC. It was not invited to the White House as in many years past.

"So what?!" you say. While history is being rewritten and students today are being lied to or taught through omission, our country began because of religious persecution. Good, bad or ugly, America's roots are in Christian faith - of many protestant and Catholic denominations. No, we did not always operate in a faith minded way, but we must recognize we are not perfect. So, let's keep this on track. You cannot deny faith in America.

"Separation!" you yell. Reference other articles on this. It is a farce and lie. Government is to operate in concert with faith. The "wall of separation" was taken out of context. Today, we are so far from the intent of the Founders that we can barely practice Christian faith, while Islamic faith is rampant and may ruin this Country without guns or swords.

"What's the big deal?" Hmm. Seriously? Are you so asleep? The real question is Why is this such a big deal? It is because Hussein Obama is showing true colors. There was such a huge deal made of his church choice for Easter - and yet he has not chosen a Church yet. In the first 100 days he bowed to foreign leaders, degraded our country, offered apologies and otherwise offered the USA as a low life to everyone. Makes one wonder more about his ties to his former Pastor Wright...

That is the big deal. This is icing on the cake. He is showing us all that he truly is not for America as we once knew it and many of us do not want to let go of. He is for dictatorial government, serious socialism (more than what has oozed in over the years) and no longer wants to lead the civilized word in civil responsibility and liberty.

Would I rather his lie? No. But he does daily, so why not now?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ask The Pastor

Occasionally I get an email from a church member or reader of the site asking a question about the Bible, the church or religion in general as it relates to today’s society. I thought that I’d share some of these, along with my responses, for the sake of discussions and hopefully encouragement.

I have been reading through Matthew and in Mt. 24:35 Jesus speaks, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." I think I understand about what is communicating in that, ..."but my words will never pass away", but both heaven and earth will? What does this mean? If you could enlighten me, I would be most appreciative.

In this text (Matthew 24:26-35) Jesus is talking specifically about his return and the concept of eternity. To the people of the time the world and the sun, moon and stars (heaven) were concrete. They had always been there and there was no concept of time in the sense of eternal thinking.

Jesus was making the point that at some period of your existence (before you step into eternity) you are going to have to put your trust in things other than what is temporal, and look at the things that are eternal. At the point of judgment (be it at the time of your passing or at upon the return of Christ) there is nothing in nature or science that will have the power to save you. Only belief in Jesus Christ as Savior and the trust that we have in his teachings will gain us entry into the eternal Kingdom of God. It is the only thing that truly will last forever.

Send your question to Ask the Pastor