Thursday, April 23, 2009

Feel Free To Speak Your Mind As Long As You Tell Us What We Want To Hear

Apparently to win the Miss America pageant these days you have to support gay marriage. Well at least that’s some would have you believe as the concept of open mindedness has become grossly twisted. You would think (and some would really love for you to believe) that to be an open minded person you have to be in favor of homosexuality as a common practice in our society. If people don’t share your “open minded” support for homosexuality then they should be criticized, outcast and robbed of opportunity. Doesn’t sound very open minded at all to me and if that’s the understanding society is looking for then count me out.

Never have we seen a stronger example of this mentality nor a bigger display of ignorance than what we saw Sunday night at the Miss America pageant. Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was asked by celebrity judge Mario Lavenderia AKA Perez Hilton her opinion on same sex marriage. To her credit, Prejean spoke her honest opinion based on her personal morals and convictions when she just as easily could have been phony by giving the company line and most likely would have been crowned Miss America.

Lavenderia responded the next day with an immature and ignorant rant the next day slamming Prejean and calling her derogatory names. He went on to say in a video post on his blog that she didn’t lose because of her answer to his question but that she lost because she was a, “stupid b&*#h!” Really? People like this are judging the most prestigious beauty pageant in America? Is there any doubt that Prejean was scored by a judge who was clearly biased against her? This is a young woman who was asked her opinion, gave her answer and then was persecuted for it right before our very eyes. The most disturbing thing to come from this wasn’t Prejean’s actions but rather Lavenderia’s support of this sickening mindset that everyone has to agree with your lifestyle and think the way that you think or they should be treated like trash.

Political correctness has now reached a new low. It is no longer acceptable to respectfully speak your opinions and convections if they are based on the principles found in the Bible while those who oppose a strong moral stance are free to spew hate and vengeance in their opposition and feel that they are in the right. The church is viewed as an enemy to society because its views on Godliness and righteousness are opposite to the societal teachings of morality. Over the last three decades we’ve seen the role of God removed from the family unit, the Holy Word of God rewritten and the office of the minister of God perverted. At the same time we’ve seen the morality rate of our nation strongly decline. The divorce rate in America has risen along with the number of unwed pregnancies, extramarital affairs along with crimes that are sexual in nature. Yet no one wants to give any credence to the thought the decline of our nation is related directly to the decline of our religion. Paul warned of this in his second letter to Timothy.

2 Timothy 4:3 (New International Version)
3For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

Do you see that? The issue here isn’t same sex marriage. It is much deeper than that. The issue we’re facing is the ignorant ideology that you don’t have the right to speak your convictions and that the majority of the people stand against those who hold to a biblical concept of morality.

According to, Scott Ihrig, a gay man, who attended the pageant with his partner was quoted, "I think it's ridiculous that she got first runner-up. That is not the value of 95 percent of the people in this audience. Look around this audience and tell me how many gay men there are."

Go back and look at that video. Listen to the applause when Prejean shares her opinion. Does that really sound like just 5% of the audience to you? If what Ihrig said was true then that was an extremely quiet 95%. I didn’t hear booing or opposition but rather support. In fact, the state of California collectively support’s Prejean’s stance and they proved that at the election polls in November.

Carrie Prejean is a hero in my opinion for saying what she truly felt and not what those with itching ears wanted to hear. Thank you, Carrie for not conforming yourself to the pattern that the world tells you that you must conform to but rather standing strong in a difficult situation and holding fast to your convictions.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

IRS: Reason Enough for a Tea Party

USA. Today, 4/17/09, reports on the 6th page and bottom story, that the IRS has allowed 7 BILLION dollars to be received by ILLEGAL IMMAGRANTS! Seriously, this should be on the front page of the paper! What's on the front page instead? Top two stories are sports- in particular the retirement of Madden. Granted there is a tax story as the sidebar, but it is more about state fights and how the stimulus is being used (though it does tout Georgia as cutting business and capital gains to stimulate the economy).

Back to the child tax credits. Get this - ILLEGALS got up to $1000 after filing tax returns by using tax ID numbers issued by the government. Though not valid for employment these numbers allow for 'certain' tax filings...??

First, why? Since Treasury Inspector General, Mr. George, won't shoot straight and simply acts as those it matters not...well go to the next question. How do you plan to stop this? I am flabbergasted! We have a tax cheat running the IRS. We have Mr. Campaign Speaker Obama running around putting America down, bowing to foreign leaders, the DHSA calling Vets terrorist threats and even unaware the Tea Parties were going on (course, he has tried to cover
up the gaff).

Here we are in a mess. It is so clear that we need action, as the President and democrats are not going to lead with integrity. This mess is not about ideology and agendas- those must be put aside for the future of America.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Were they Terrorists in 1776?

The outrage against the Homeland Security Admin should be the highest
level of concern and activity in your life! Above your pet agendas,
political leanings or ideaology. If not, the foundation for Thought
Police has been laid and it will get worse.

Why? The DHSA and this administration have totally abused the powers
and leadership that they have. I attended a rally on OKC, which was
painfully peaceful. There were all types of Americans there. That is
all we should be described as; however, the DHSA has issued a memo to
"watch those at rallies, or those that are against the actions of this
government.". Vets and Americans are not terrorists and should be seen
as supporters of the Constitution.

However, we are labeled extremists. Well, let's just turn the
tables: what about those giving up their refrigerators because of
their carbon footprint? What about those buying Priuses? How about
those pushing for gay marriage? Maybe those accepting bailout money
should be watched?

Point is, America is about unity in differences. That is what our
Constitution protects. What has happened in the last week is an
"afront" to those that seek correction in spending, corrections in
taxing,and a general return to the 10th admendment provisions.

We should be mad as a hornet! Call your Senator and Reps! Demand
that the Obama admin haults this absurdity and stops the attacks on
free speech! We don't want or need Thought Police!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It appears that the mainstream media is really in bed with Big Government - you have to check this out - a CNN reporter who clearly drank the koolaid and stutters away in "fear" of a man holding a baby.

I was in OKC today. While there were chants to vote out politicians who don't get it or "no more taxes" or a "booo" here and there; there was nothing, absolutely nothing violating "family viewing." In fact, many families were there together. Our media guessed at 4,000 in attendance....We flanked the Capital, both wings and all the way passed the street from the Steps. I'd say we approached 7,000. But we can agree happily between the two.

You must know your history to appreciate this day: Tea Party History, And here. and of course here.

Here are some quotes off signs:
Your Mortgage is not my problem (held by a college student)
I'm 16 - stop spending my future
Save trees - stop printing money
Congress. Obama. Are you magicians? Cause our money has disappeared!
Taxation without representation is tyranny!
It's a good time to be a Patriot.
A Patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. E. Abbey
Ballot Box, Soap Box...Ammo Box...we are running out of options (personal fav)
Common Sense is not so common anymore.
Which do you drink? (picture of tea bag) (picture of koolaid jug)
Most bad government results from to much government.
Victim of Child Abuse by our Government. (held by 6 yr old girl (approximately))
Equal Opportunity - Not Equal Distribution
Your choice: 1776 or 1984 (held by my son)
** Don't spread my wealth - spread my work ethic ** (personal fav)

July 4th is the next Tea Party in our area - that I am aware of. Don't forget the 9/12 project. That is one we all need to seriously consider.....

UPDATE: Very large crowd of crazy, mad Americans!

Cannot get all in pic! I estimate 4-5 thousand!



My son with Jefferson!


Folks...I'm here with my son - my only regret is that I didn't being
the whole family! I will load additional pix later. So far, I'd say
there are easily 1000 people here. As I understand there are at least
500 Tea Parties going on around the US today. God have mercy on us
all. Here is just one sign I really liked.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

News Worthy of Mainstream Media...but not?

Obama seems to have lost the ability to think on his own - the puppeteers are in such control, that even a President's "kind words" to the work of American Soldiers has to be perfectly scripted & teleprompted. Our President had to be "fed the lines!" How stale, insincere and plain. Unfortunately, the Left has covered that: there is a Blog Site written from the Teleprompter's point of view! Seriously, click here.

There is upset in the Asian atmosphere - and that means issues for all within missile distance. technology has not slowed down, and even the dictators of the oppresses with evil intent have access to it. It is getting so bad that today Russia called for Korea to return to the negotiation table and China is urging all to operate with a level head. ....Meanwhile, Obama is reading his teleprompter, discussing ways he is brainwashing Americans and they can't even see it - fact is, they don't even know he just told them so...

Pirates are evidently on the large! Obama's efforts to take a few out, upon his verbal command, doesn't seem to have fazed them.

60% of Americans polled say: we are going down the crapper. Well, ok, maybe not that graphic, but that is the general sentiment as graphically explained by Real Clear Politics. Why is it that no one seems to get this? That means 6 out of 10 are not on board with Obama. One may deduce that of the remaining 4: 1 is far left, 1 is activist left, 1 has no clue and one cares not or told what to care (and how to vote).

OBAMA A DIVIDER should just read this article!

I'm all for Common Sense Environmentalism. I was going to call it "smart" but someone already messed that one up. Recycle your bottles/plastic/glass/paper. Drive responsibly. Shower reasonably...except Monday mornings. Mulch. Compost. Reuse. Etc. But this green mentality sucks. These make no sense: Buying a canvas bag - that you will likely leave in the car...or in the cupboard. Purchasing a Prius: you won't make your money back and Chevy has a car that does better. Tiny car syndrome: don't be dumb in the head. Read this first and watch the video! Your life depends on it...I'll stick with my SUV thank you!

"Without Republican input or influence, the budget is a tax-and-spend caricature. Obama has complained of inheriting a $1.3 trillion debt. According to economist Michael Boskin, Obama's proposals would add $6.5 trillion in debt over the next decade -- about $163,000 for every American taxpaying family." - Real Clear Politics, 4/8/09. Wasn't Bush bashed on this type of action? In case you need a reminder, here is what ONE trillion dollars looks like. For further info...and a chuckle/hard swallow: click here.

BO. BIG DEAL....economically? "Nah - Teddy gave it to us."
Change huh? Time to tighten the belt? Economic hard times for us all? How many of us have private trainers for our pets? How many of us spend $1300-3000 on a dog? Or has a wealthy democrat friend give us one? Would you have the total time this breed demands? Would the President? Personally, who cares; but, I know, we are interested in our "celebrities" and must know everything they do and say.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Reagan entered office and 1981 had 70% tax on high income (only $215,000) bracket. This meant 70 cents of each dollar you earn over a certain dollar amount was lovingly given to the Government. Folks, we have to understand that earning $215K isn't much - and for those of you in California - YOU SHOULD SAY AMEN!

Reagan left and the tax was down to 28%! Seriously, check it out yourself - while *here* look at the top brackets in history. Much different!

Unemployment was down dramatically though the tax rate was slashed. Inflation was back in check. Tax income to the Government actually increased. WHY? Because more money was kept in the private sector. When you do this, businesses thrive, people invest incomes in business which helps business grow, businesses hire, people work, taxes are paid all around - WIN/WIN scenario for all.

To continue with extreme simplicity, Obama's desires are to hack away at your income and give it to others. Democrats hate the fact that taxing does not work. They hope to feed you and keep you happy with their pork barrels and such, but they know it doesn't work. What is sad - there are many RICH democrats, and they are keeping the little guy little. Despite what you think democrats are not their to help the little guy. Wake up and smell the coffee!

To steal from RUSH, take sports as an example: Alex Rodriquez makes a ton of moola - 270Mill contract or something! However, a "pauper that is on the KC Royals may only make 2Mill." That is not "fair." We must do something about this. Let's give the 'paupers' out there a few Mill from Alex and bring his income down to say 5Mill with everyone else. DO WHAT? Alex performs, has the talent, the record - he is worth the extra pay!

What is sad, there is probably a reader out there that agrees with the above. Let's bring it home. You have an education, a degree - you have history, investment into yourself and your career. Joe Slob does not. He cannot even spell education. However, he makes a ruckus and the Government decides he deserves the job you have more than you do. Better yet, they put him in the office next to you - took you four years to get there - plus your education! They pay him the same as fact, your salary was cut to help pay his!

Now what do you think? See this is the problem with socialism. It doesn't work: no incentive, no challenge, no reward. It debases everyone, weakens the system, brings everyone down. Hmmm, seems like our public education?...Why do you think America has produced so much of the world's technology? Because we used to value challenge, betterment, excelling. Now, the technology we created is being enhanced by other countries.

For more intellectual read and highly more in depth - check out Frederick von Hayek and his works. Milton Friedman is another great thinker!


This last week was all about Mr. Obama's pick for Easter Sunday. ....wonder who won the pot out there - I am sure there was a large bet somewhere! As if this was important news?

Last week, an American Cargo ship was taken by pirate - argh! They are "cute" in cartoon Disney form or "cool" in the Caribbean, but in real life - this is serious stuff. Fortunately, Obama finally allowed us to use force. Actually, this surprised me - after giving us up to virtually everyone in Europe and Asia last week - I am amazed he did. Personally, I think it took to long. Made us look indecisive, non-committed and even weak. If this is a foreshadowing to more serious matters: Korea, China, the attack on the dollar and so much more - hmmmmm.

But I digress. Back to the matter at hand: church. Specifically, where to go. Americans in general evidently have a desire to be church oriented. I would not say that we are as strong in the faith as the Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, but we at least like to see Grandma on Easter Sunday.

In general, most of us pick a church by our environment and upbringing. Others, may choose church because it is near their home, looked inviting, friend asked them to come, etc. Still others by intellect, spiritual teachings, liturgy, type of singing, etc. And, there are those that pick it because it "wears well." In other words, this means it is politically correct, social status enhanced, crowd pleasing, etc.

Last week, four teams were sent out by YOU the TAX PAYER to see what church Mr. Obama should attend. I wonder the criteria? Security? Probably - and rightly so. Mix of People? Color of People? Socio-economic status of Parrish? Evidently, these teams went to one Mixed, 1 Black and 2 White Churches. Wow.

Well, I found only a couple stories on the topic tonight is from the Christian Science Monitor and Associated Press they highlight that he attended "The Presidents' Church" in DC but it is not their final decision spot as yet.

How hard can this be? One should have convictions, spiritual beliefs and preferences. One should consider first how they may support and contribute to a Church as well as how the Church will aid their spiritual journey. Finally, with children to consider; how does the Children's Ministry rate. From there, one would look at how they support missions, community and each other. There should be no concern for who may be offended, is sad, happy or otherwise. One just does this.

Once again our presidential choice shows a lack of decisiveness in even the "little" decisions for One in his position. While I understand he is unable to just walk into a church and visit as many of us would do, there should be a general idea which denomination, sect or group and no question as to why. Wonder what Jeremiah Wright is guiding him to do?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Debate on Socialism & Jesus

The following excerpt is from a posting on a social network site. The gist of the posting was that Socialism is good and Jesus was a Socialist. This was my response - long, I know....but this is important:

Hmmm. What is most amazing about this that it is going on.

Seriously. Each of our grandparents fought against socialism, communism and fascism in Europe, Russia and Japan. To speak these words during the not so distant history would be cause for treason. The Chinese and Japanese Americans were put in camps - out of fear and ignorance, but for protection of this Nation. Women went to the factory to build the planes that beat communism back. There were spies, espionage, double-agents and more. We practiced hiding under desks because we feared the Hammer and Sickle.

The Red, White and Blue flowed thick in our blood. But today, we consider Socialism? There are so many things to say; so many [people] would roll over in their graves. Reagan's very words against the epitome of fascism - The Berlin Wall - seem to ring flat today.

*Thomas*: stand your ground, you are right there, you are on track - don't concede. Your last comments show your real thoughts: entitlement mentality is wrong. America is not born of those sitting on their dairy air waiting for bread - no, we were built on those that sweat, ‘slaved’ (not Slaves), strove, sacrificed. None of these words indicate “the world owes me.” The American Spirit is about: ‘how can I improve my world with my two hands?’; ‘how do I increase my property, my family and through that change my world?’ This may not mean you will be a millionaire – it could mean you just get by on 30K a year. In either financial position, you help those in need. Further, the American Spirit lives within its means – not its “credit.”

The reason we are in the mess we are in is because government and individuals got greedy. Loans never should have been made to people who could not afford them. Credit should not be extended “just because you have $99 or a job.” Just because John Smith or Jane Jones has a new Lexus or Mini-van, doesn’t mean you have need one. If their house is bigger, doesn’t mean the government owes you one. If you don't have an iPhone, your Motorola flip will work just fine.
The American Spirit says, get out there and make something of yourself, do your best, follow your dream – not the “collective IDOL dream or rock-star mentality.” Your dream. You owe it to yourself. America gives you that opportunity as a gift. Go after it - go after it as hard as you appear to be pushing for Socialism...

Once you partake in that gift…you never want to go back. Why? Because when you follow your dream, begin to build your “happiness”, and acquire property - - YOU can GIVE to OTHERS. How? Maybe you hire them for a job in your business. Or, you feel passionate about their cause and charitably give – as Richard mentioned. When YOU EXCEL others BENEFIT. When you are happy with yourself and your achievements – on your own efforts – you radiate that happiness to others, you fuel others, challenge others, give to others.

This is the essence of what Jesus taught. Love the Lord…first. Love your neighbor – AS YOURSELF.

Have your priorities right in your heart and mind, then act on them. Next, extend from the Great Commandment and learn the lessons of Jesus: the Prodigal Son – don’t blow your money, the world owes you nothing or you’ll eat with the pigs…but, remember family, they’ll take you back. Or, consider the Parable of the Talents: three servants given a various range of cold hard cash. Two doubled the return on the investment of their Master…capitalism. One HID his cash in the ground…buried it….socialism, cautiousness. There’s the Pearl of Great Price, the Parable of the Lost Coin, the list goes on. ALL OF THESE show evidence of doing everything you do to the best of your ability & glory of God (Col 3:23). RISK – Jesus taught on and about risk. Faith is risk – salvation the reward ( in Jesus is His main point).

Socialism is the opposite. Where there is no RISK, no incentive, no vision, no goal, no reward or challenge…there is no desire. Biblically speaking… "the people perish.” In Jesus’ words, “you depart from me, I never knew you – you’re not ‘entitled’ to heaven.”

Do we really want to go down this road leading to socialism? If we really bring Jesus into this, I don’t think His focus would be politics. However, his teachings and those of his followers support individual progress and individual responsibility both in achieving life and aiding others in their struggles. If he was socialist, I agree with partially someone above…he would have destroyed everything and started over.

Really...what isn't being said (ie., the Elephant in the Room) is that the American Spirit of pioneering, being first and winning…is dying. We, the aged and prospering, gave too much to our kids – now they think everything should be given to them. We have no self-responsibility and charitable thoughts. Let the Government handle it.

God have mercy on us all...