The following excerpt is from a posting on a social network site. The gist of the posting was that Socialism is good and Jesus was a Socialist. This was my response - long, I know....but this is important:
Hmmm. What is most amazing about this that it is going on.
Seriously. Each of our grandparents fought against socialism, communism and fascism in Europe, Russia and Japan. To speak these words during the not so distant history would be cause for treason. The Chinese and Japanese Americans were put in camps - out of fear and ignorance, but for protection of this Nation. Women went to the factory to build the planes that beat communism back. There were spies, espionage, double-agents and more. We practiced hiding under desks because we feared the Hammer and Sickle.
The Red, White and Blue flowed thick in our blood. But today, we consider Socialism? There are so many things to say; so many [people] would roll over in their graves. Reagan's very words against the epitome of fascism - The Berlin Wall - seem to ring flat today.
*Thomas*: stand your ground, you are right there, you are on track - don't concede. Your last comments show your real thoughts: entitlement mentality is wrong. America is not born of those sitting on their dairy air waiting for bread - no, we were built on those that sweat, ‘slaved’ (not Slaves), strove, sacrificed. None of these words indicate “the world owes me.” The American Spirit is about: ‘how can I improve my world with my two hands?’; ‘how do I increase my property, my family and through that change my world?’ This may not mean you will be a millionaire – it could mean you just get by on 30K a year. In either financial position, you help those in need. Further, the American Spirit lives within its means – not its “credit.”
The reason we are in the mess we are in is because government and individuals got greedy. Loans never should have been made to people who could not afford them. Credit should not be extended “just because you have $99 or a job.” Just because John Smith or Jane Jones has a new Lexus or Mini-van, doesn’t mean you have need one. If their house is bigger, doesn’t mean the government owes you one. If you don't have an iPhone, your Motorola flip will work just fine.
The American Spirit says, get out there and make something of yourself, do your best, follow your dream – not the “collective IDOL dream or rock-star mentality.” Your dream. You owe it to yourself. America gives you that opportunity as a gift. Go after it - go after it as hard as you appear to be pushing for Socialism...
Once you partake in that gift…you never want to go back. Why? Because when you follow your dream, begin to build your “happiness”, and acquire property - - YOU can GIVE to OTHERS. How? Maybe you hire them for a job in your business. Or, you feel passionate about their cause and charitably give – as Richard mentioned. When YOU EXCEL others BENEFIT. When you are happy with yourself and your achievements – on your own efforts – you radiate that happiness to others, you fuel others, challenge others, give to others.
This is the essence of what Jesus taught. Love the Lord…first. Love your neighbor – AS YOURSELF.
Have your priorities right in your heart and mind, then act on them. Next, extend from the Great Commandment and learn the lessons of Jesus: the Prodigal Son – don’t blow your money, the world owes you nothing or you’ll eat with the pigs…but, remember family, they’ll take you back. Or, consider the Parable of the Talents: three servants given a various range of cold hard cash. Two doubled the return on the investment of their Master…capitalism. One HID his cash in the ground…buried it….socialism, cautiousness. There’s the Pearl of Great Price, the Parable of the Lost Coin, the list goes on. ALL OF THESE show evidence of doing everything you do to the best of your ability & glory of God (Col 3:23). RISK – Jesus taught on and about risk. Faith is risk – salvation the reward ( in Jesus is His main point).
Socialism is the opposite. Where there is no RISK, no incentive, no vision, no goal, no reward or challenge…there is no desire. Biblically speaking… "the people perish.” In Jesus’ words, “you depart from me, I never knew you – you’re not ‘entitled’ to heaven.”
Do we really want to go down this road leading to socialism? If we really bring Jesus into this, I don’t think His focus would be politics. However, his teachings and those of his followers support individual progress and individual responsibility both in achieving life and aiding others in their struggles. If he was socialist, I agree with partially someone above…he would have destroyed everything and started over.
Really...what isn't being said (ie., the Elephant in the Room) is that the American Spirit of pioneering, being first and winning…is dying. We, the aged and prospering, gave too much to our kids – now they think everything should be given to them. We have no self-responsibility and charitable thoughts. Let the Government handle it.
God have mercy on us all...