There is a reason this country is a Great Country: GOD. One cannot divorce God from the history of our Country. It simply cannot be done without wearing the name "Revisionist Historian." Basically, you have to fabricate and take things out of context, while leaving other important aspects untouched.
Ever been to DC? God is unmistakable on nearly every monument or historical item/icon...period. Supreme Court still displays the Ten Commandments - if they were not displayed, the stone figure of Moses would certainly bring one's mind back to them
Currency...daily reminder. Or daily frustration...for one. Michael Newdow believes it is his mission in life to be a jerk...excuse me, exercise his out-of-context free speech right. This is not what was intended by the First Amendment - much has claimed false under it, yet is not. Further, other blog articles have discussed that the "wall of separation" was in one of Jefferson's letters and is taken totally out of context. He never intended the separation of God from the workings of Government and the People of America - and spoke to this often.
Read the article yourself - of course broadcast by "the makeshift socialist news broadcasting center (MSNBC)." But more importantly, vote on the poll provided by MSNBC. The number continues to rise, though slower now (no longer the big news) - but by far HUGE numbers are against removing the motto from our currency.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
It is incredulous! So, GM had a loss. So, many have lost their jobs at GM and across the board. So, the last six plus years has been a down spiral. I DON"T CARE! The point is: the Government has no place in business! Check out Fannie and Freddie - their totally screwed up. Look at our ignorant representatives in DC - they are clue-less. This bash on the CEO, tax-the-bonus parade and bandwagon is such a picture of a hasty-generalization! Also shows America's Collective IGNORANCE!
One should click here and understand what **ONE** (1) (just one) TRILLION dollars $$ looks like (keep in mind it is JUST ONE - multiple the picture by 12!). Then ask, "Where are the DC heads that should be rolling? How is it that irresponsible, poor, non-working, non-citizens (etc) got homes they couldn't afford in the first place! Why and I (the Joe-Citizen) paying for stupidity and personal agendas?" Why is Geitner, Kennedy, Barney Frank, Pelosi and EVEN OBAMA still there! They seriously helped cause this mess! While we are there, let's be rid of the weak and coddling Paper Republicans that let this happen!
Back to GM: what should have happened in regard to the CEO - the shareholders should have ousted the him long ago and demanded a real business model without exorbitant union demands. It works for Toyota and Nissan...on American Soil too! GOVERNMENT HAS NO PLACE TELLING PRIVATE BUSINESS WHAT TO DO!
But then again, Americans sleep through this crap and soon Card Check will eliminate the success of Nissan, Wal-Mart or any other business for that matter....HIGH HUSSEIN
One should click here and understand what **ONE** (1) (just one) TRILLION dollars $$ looks like (keep in mind it is JUST ONE - multiple the picture by 12!). Then ask, "Where are the DC heads that should be rolling? How is it that irresponsible, poor, non-working, non-citizens (etc) got homes they couldn't afford in the first place! Why and I (the Joe-Citizen) paying for stupidity and personal agendas?" Why is Geitner, Kennedy, Barney Frank, Pelosi and EVEN OBAMA still there! They seriously helped cause this mess! While we are there, let's be rid of the weak and coddling Paper Republicans that let this happen!
Back to GM: what should have happened in regard to the CEO - the shareholders should have ousted the him long ago and demanded a real business model without exorbitant union demands. It works for Toyota and Nissan...on American Soil too! GOVERNMENT HAS NO PLACE TELLING PRIVATE BUSINESS WHAT TO DO!
But then again, Americans sleep through this crap and soon Card Check will eliminate the success of Nissan, Wal-Mart or any other business for that matter....HIGH HUSSEIN
Friday, March 27, 2009
Make your "one voice" count. America needs you today! Think of your children and grandchildren and ask yourself: "What will I tell my kids and gkids I did to protect the gift, the treasure, the responsibilty of America?"
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
CHA-CHING BACKGROUND: Not an iPhone app article - rather, I want to first thank a close friend for posting a link to the article that prompts this blog post. Or try this more concerning article (particularly the end of the article)! Or...this.
Cha-Ching, here we are on day 64 and trillion is a new 'normal' number for 'us' to just toss around. Tax evaders in our highest elected and appointed offices - bi-partisan-ly speaking! You and I would get the book thrown at us!
Now this: China is suggesting a new currency (cha-ching)...and is getting an ear! Do what?! Remember the good ole' days - bad guys were bad and good guys always won! Where has that day gone? The Lone Ranger really wasn't 'alone.' Superman's alter-ego was the common everyday guy. McGuyver and Magnum PI put everything back together and Mr. Rogers - he really was your neighbor. Remember, we had bomb drills - hide under the desk cause the Commies might toss a bomb our way someday? Wasn't Russia...Iron Curtain... behind the Chinese??
CHINA? Cha-Ching, are we serious? Can anyone say Tiananmen Square? Gigantic military force... Can you picture the man in front of the tank? What about Communist(ism) - does that ring an alarm in anyone's head? What about nuclear talks and scare? Oppression? Population Control or worse?
Over the last 25 years, we should have seen America sliding away - we should have taken measures to avoid 9/11 - avoid the drive to socialism and tolerance. Now, China, Korea, Middle East and other disenfranchised countries are becoming stronger and are seeking prominence in the world. Mexico is over-running our country. English has not been named our national language - as if it is wrong to have one (French, Italian, Chinese...these must be un-politically correct too?). Russia is listed high in the call for a super-currency at the upcoming Summit in April! Cha-Ching!
Mr. Obama and our leadership have gift wrapped our collective soul and handed it to them. Our dollar is crashing, we are in debt to our eyeballs (for what? pork concessions here and there - certainly hasn't been stimulus!).
China. Let me say it again...China. They have bought our companies, bought land, and now our debts. Cha-ching! They perch in the ready, just above our heads, anticipating the right time to dive full-long into our open, oozing and bleeding wounds. Their bulging beady eyes blood-red in desire for our total demise...without - lifting - the - sword. They have a stock-piled treasury and they are flexing that muscle...imagine, you may soon have a "yuan" in your pocket! Which by the way, .146cent/yuan is the current exchange...sad. Thank you Obama....keep nailing the coffin!
Is there a Good Samaritan ending to this story?
Cha-Ching, here we are on day 64 and trillion is a new 'normal' number for 'us' to just toss around. Tax evaders in our highest elected and appointed offices - bi-partisan-ly speaking! You and I would get the book thrown at us!
Now this: China is suggesting a new currency (cha-ching)...and is getting an ear! Do what?! Remember the good ole' days - bad guys were bad and good guys always won! Where has that day gone? The Lone Ranger really wasn't 'alone.' Superman's alter-ego was the common everyday guy. McGuyver and Magnum PI put everything back together and Mr. Rogers - he really was your neighbor. Remember, we had bomb drills - hide under the desk cause the Commies might toss a bomb our way someday? Wasn't Russia...Iron Curtain... behind the Chinese??
CHINA? Cha-Ching, are we serious? Can anyone say Tiananmen Square? Gigantic military force... Can you picture the man in front of the tank? What about Communist(ism) - does that ring an alarm in anyone's head? What about nuclear talks and scare? Oppression? Population Control or worse?
Over the last 25 years, we should have seen America sliding away - we should have taken measures to avoid 9/11 - avoid the drive to socialism and tolerance. Now, China, Korea, Middle East and other disenfranchised countries are becoming stronger and are seeking prominence in the world. Mexico is over-running our country. English has not been named our national language - as if it is wrong to have one (French, Italian, Chinese...these must be un-politically correct too?). Russia is listed high in the call for a super-currency at the upcoming Summit in April! Cha-Ching!
Mr. Obama and our leadership have gift wrapped our collective soul and handed it to them. Our dollar is crashing, we are in debt to our eyeballs (for what? pork concessions here and there - certainly hasn't been stimulus!).
China. Let me say it again...China. They have bought our companies, bought land, and now our debts. Cha-ching! They perch in the ready, just above our heads, anticipating the right time to dive full-long into our open, oozing and bleeding wounds. Their bulging beady eyes blood-red in desire for our total demise...without - lifting - the - sword. They have a stock-piled treasury and they are flexing that muscle...imagine, you may soon have a "yuan" in your pocket! Which by the way, .146cent/yuan is the current exchange...sad. Thank you Obama....keep nailing the coffin!
Is there a Good Samaritan ending to this story?
"Buy a gun, you'll need it...."
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I just received this animation. I was pretty amazed...concise, vivid, clear, direct and gut wrenching. If you think you have ain't nuttin' like what the government has just put on you!
This has to get out there - has to be understood. The so called leaders of this Nation are selling us down the river! China! I realize that the stimulus package and bailout talk is almost old hat, and definitely yesterday's news - but it should not be!
Where are the upset Americans: upset, mentally stable, intelligent, compassionate, logical, common sense oriented, non-politically correct and of sound mind. Hopefully, I was a bit redundant there, but - where are we? We are not "bad" people. We are not "dumb." We are not "haters." We are not "trying to destroy the earth." We are not "rich." We are not even close to "rich." We are "hard working, mind-your-own business, but help your neighbor, quiet, respectable, intelligent contributors to society."
You do not see us on TV because we are not victims. We are not leeches, and the thought saddens and maddens us. We do not shock or make you point or curse, we have no sob-story (well, correction: we don't let our "sob-story" keep us down - rather it inspires us to do better), we are not irresponsible with our sex drive, we are not irresponsible in general, we have ethics, we have morals, we have self-confidence, we work - work hard, we do not believe the government can help us, and know this from education and the reality of history. Many of us own small businesses that employ those that have the backbone to get off their butts (insert the other word - because that is really what I want to put in there) and provide for their own well-being.
So, click on this link: What is 1 Trillion Dollars?
See for yourself what our wise, stately and responsible congressional and senatorial representatives - along with our most inspiring and knowledgeable President - have burdened us with. Keep in mind that "they" voted him and his band of brothers into the White House, but we must do all we can to protect America from their destruction. By the way, I am talking of of us - not our representatives.
Oh yeah, did you hear about the reversal of President Bush's ban on funding embryonic stem cell research? That's right, Obama killed that one. Boy, we are on a roll now!
This has to get out there - has to be understood. The so called leaders of this Nation are selling us down the river! China! I realize that the stimulus package and bailout talk is almost old hat, and definitely yesterday's news - but it should not be!
Where are the upset Americans: upset, mentally stable, intelligent, compassionate, logical, common sense oriented, non-politically correct and of sound mind. Hopefully, I was a bit redundant there, but - where are we? We are not "bad" people. We are not "dumb." We are not "haters." We are not "trying to destroy the earth." We are not "rich." We are not even close to "rich." We are "hard working, mind-your-own business, but help your neighbor, quiet, respectable, intelligent contributors to society."
You do not see us on TV because we are not victims. We are not leeches, and the thought saddens and maddens us. We do not shock or make you point or curse, we have no sob-story (well, correction: we don't let our "sob-story" keep us down - rather it inspires us to do better), we are not irresponsible with our sex drive, we are not irresponsible in general, we have ethics, we have morals, we have self-confidence, we work - work hard, we do not believe the government can help us, and know this from education and the reality of history. Many of us own small businesses that employ those that have the backbone to get off their butts (insert the other word - because that is really what I want to put in there) and provide for their own well-being.
So, click on this link: What is 1 Trillion Dollars?
See for yourself what our wise, stately and responsible congressional and senatorial representatives - along with our most inspiring and knowledgeable President - have burdened us with. Keep in mind that "they" voted him and his band of brothers into the White House, but we must do all we can to protect America from their destruction. By the way, I am talking of of us - not our representatives.
Oh yeah, did you hear about the reversal of President Bush's ban on funding embryonic stem cell research? That's right, Obama killed that one. Boy, we are on a roll now!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
On a lighter side - for fun...yet still worthy of thought: The Politico known for a little more in-depth journalism and for asking tough questions or producing pointed stories, highlighted a problem: our new President has a crutch - teleprompters.
If you think back to the campaign and to recent Town Home meetings, you will recall that um, well, uh, see ... um, our president, uh, stt-tuud--ders uh when he is um without his well, you know, his uh teleprompters. Not really studdering, he just cannot deliver collective, thoughtful or notable statements.
As a result, he is not without the prompters. This poses great problems for his adoring media, as they cannot see through them; they get in the way of other notables; must be lowered for those coming after the get the pic - well, if the prompters are not in your way. Other Presidents used them in major settings - resorting to index cards, etc., at other times.
More importantly, this is why he rarely appears to look you in the eye or at least seem to recognize that his fellow Americans are trying to listen, trying to believe and even trying to hope with him. However, his negative encouragement is hard to get around too (that is another story).
Recently, RUSH Limbaugh has been recognized as the "leader of the Republican Party" by the Obama slander machine in an effort to discredit him and bring him down. RUSH has given him an invitation - much like Sean Hannity - to debate him on his show in front of the American Masses. He could have a huge market to "sell" his package, promote his ideals . . . maybe win someone to his side? But he will not accept. Hannity has been asking for this interview/debate opp. for months.
Why? one asks. If Obama is so sure of himself, his plan and people, then get out there. Listen to the better half (ok, couldn't resist) of America - to impart information to us. He is not connecting, he is loosing credibility, failing is approval rates and otherwise turning out to be "more of the same, and worse." He is loosing moderate, Blue Dog, support and raising concerns about just how left he really is (as if we haven't been warning this for months).
The real reason - he cannot think on his own. With the words of his prepared speech or the speech of his writer, he is at a loss, unsure, insincere, shaky - lacking. He is a puppet that must have strings.
If you think back to the campaign and to recent Town Home meetings, you will recall that um, well, uh, see ... um, our president, uh, stt-tuud--ders uh when he is um without his well, you know, his uh teleprompters. Not really studdering, he just cannot deliver collective, thoughtful or notable statements.
As a result, he is not without the prompters. This poses great problems for his adoring media, as they cannot see through them; they get in the way of other notables; must be lowered for those coming after the get the pic - well, if the prompters are not in your way. Other Presidents used them in major settings - resorting to index cards, etc., at other times.
More importantly, this is why he rarely appears to look you in the eye or at least seem to recognize that his fellow Americans are trying to listen, trying to believe and even trying to hope with him. However, his negative encouragement is hard to get around too (that is another story).
Recently, RUSH Limbaugh has been recognized as the "leader of the Republican Party" by the Obama slander machine in an effort to discredit him and bring him down. RUSH has given him an invitation - much like Sean Hannity - to debate him on his show in front of the American Masses. He could have a huge market to "sell" his package, promote his ideals . . . maybe win someone to his side? But he will not accept. Hannity has been asking for this interview/debate opp. for months.
Why? one asks. If Obama is so sure of himself, his plan and people, then get out there. Listen to the better half (ok, couldn't resist) of America - to impart information to us. He is not connecting, he is loosing credibility, failing is approval rates and otherwise turning out to be "more of the same, and worse." He is loosing moderate, Blue Dog, support and raising concerns about just how left he really is (as if we haven't been warning this for months).
The real reason - he cannot think on his own. With the words of his prepared speech or the speech of his writer, he is at a loss, unsure, insincere, shaky - lacking. He is a puppet that must have strings.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
OBAMUNISM. Folks I am telling you, especially those of you emotionally charged and filled with koolaid from the drive-by media; we are in a pickle. As a country - well, as far as the big blue states are concerned - we voted liberalism with a heavy lean to socialism into the highest office of our land. We will reap the "fruit" of this decision. While McCain may be whatever you may think, and certainly not my first choice, the foundations of America would not have been so heavily chiseled.
We need to wake up. I invite you to be a part of the live webcast attached below. It will fill you in on the mess that will befall our country if this priority to the unionist (see union labor article for info on the social agenda they hold). Come with an open mind that allows you to hear what is going on and intellectually decipher the code language and lies out in the media. Or the lack of information actually. Politics may have an emotional drive - otherwise, we wouldn't be interested and wouldn't accomplish much, but intelligence must lead emotionalism. Hand in hand they are a powerful force for good and evil. We need to use it for good...rational, common sense good.
MEMORANDUM TO: All local Oklahoma Chambers, Economic Development organizations and member Associations
FROM: Danna Fowble, CCM, IOMVice President, Federation/Grassroots Development
SUBJECT: Free National Webcast on The Employee Free Choice Act or “Card Check”
DATE: March 1, 2009
As you may know, The State Chamber has been engaged in a multifaceted advocacy campaign on the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) also known as card check. We have been working with a number of partners to ensure this bill does not pass in the congress.
Card check is regarded as organized labor’s top congressional legislative priority for 2009, and President Obama has pledged to sign the bill if it reaches his desk, paving the way for increased unionization of businesses without employee secret ballots, government imposed “fast track” union contracts, and punitive damages and penalties for companies, but not unions. The State Chamber is inviting you, your members and your community – whoever you can round-up – to join a very important national EFCA Webcast, Wednesday, March 4.
WHEN: March 4th, 2009, 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. Note: The Webcast requires the capability to listen to audio through the computer viewing the Webcast, whether through internal or external speakers.
FEATURED PRESENTERS: Schnake Turnbo Frank PR; McAfee & Taft Attorneys and Counselors; the Labor Relations Institute. Oklahoma Congressmen Tom Cole and Dan Boren are also participants.
SPONSORS: The State Chamber of Oklahoma, The Council of State Chambers, The Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce Executives Association; McAfee & Taft, Schnake Turnbo Frank PR, The Labor Relations Institute.
HOW TO REGISTER: Now or on March 4th online at:
WHY PARTICIPATE?: To learn more about EFCA from an expert panel of labor lawyers, labor relations specialists and public relations professionals on how the proposed Employee Free Choice Act legislation will impact your business, your members and your clients.
We need to wake up. I invite you to be a part of the live webcast attached below. It will fill you in on the mess that will befall our country if this priority to the unionist (see union labor article for info on the social agenda they hold). Come with an open mind that allows you to hear what is going on and intellectually decipher the code language and lies out in the media. Or the lack of information actually. Politics may have an emotional drive - otherwise, we wouldn't be interested and wouldn't accomplish much, but intelligence must lead emotionalism. Hand in hand they are a powerful force for good and evil. We need to use it for good...rational, common sense good.
MEMORANDUM TO: All local Oklahoma Chambers, Economic Development organizations and member Associations
FROM: Danna Fowble, CCM, IOMVice President, Federation/Grassroots Development
SUBJECT: Free National Webcast on The Employee Free Choice Act or “Card Check”
DATE: March 1, 2009
As you may know, The State Chamber has been engaged in a multifaceted advocacy campaign on the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) also known as card check. We have been working with a number of partners to ensure this bill does not pass in the congress.
Card check is regarded as organized labor’s top congressional legislative priority for 2009, and President Obama has pledged to sign the bill if it reaches his desk, paving the way for increased unionization of businesses without employee secret ballots, government imposed “fast track” union contracts, and punitive damages and penalties for companies, but not unions. The State Chamber is inviting you, your members and your community – whoever you can round-up – to join a very important national EFCA Webcast, Wednesday, March 4.
WHEN: March 4th, 2009, 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. Note: The Webcast requires the capability to listen to audio through the computer viewing the Webcast, whether through internal or external speakers.
FEATURED PRESENTERS: Schnake Turnbo Frank PR; McAfee & Taft Attorneys and Counselors; the Labor Relations Institute. Oklahoma Congressmen Tom Cole and Dan Boren are also participants.
SPONSORS: The State Chamber of Oklahoma, The Council of State Chambers, The Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce Executives Association; McAfee & Taft, Schnake Turnbo Frank PR, The Labor Relations Institute.
HOW TO REGISTER: Now or on March 4th online at:
WHY PARTICIPATE?: To learn more about EFCA from an expert panel of labor lawyers, labor relations specialists and public relations professionals on how the proposed Employee Free Choice Act legislation will impact your business, your members and your clients.
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