With that said I stand against gay and lesbian couples being able to be united in marriage. It isn’t because I hate homosexuals because I really don’t and neither do true bible believing evangelical Christians. It is because it is in direct opposition to what the bible teaches. That isn’t to say that God hates homosexuals either. It just means that some people with a political voice in our society value holiness and use the bible as the standard of that holiness. It isn’t religion but a choice to be Holy.
Lots of things have been done in the name of religion and weren’t holy. The crusades were done in the name of religion. So was the Spanish Inquisition. In Salem witch hunts were conducted in the name of religion and let’s not forget that airplanes struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon at the hands of religious zealots. However, none of those were acts of Holiness or righteousness and were conducted by worshipers of a God that neither I nor any other evangelical Christian worships.
Proposition 8 was upheld in California not because of hatred or religious zealotry but because people made a choice to stand for holiness. Many will make the argument that the bible promotes bigotry and all stand by it preach hate against those who have chosen alternative lifestyles. That just isn’t true. There is only one standard of holiness and it is unchanging. The bible teaches against lying, adultery and murder as well. How come no one is lining up to stand for the liars, adulterers and murders? Is the bible a book of hate because it speaks out against those things as well or is it just because it teaches against a lifestyle that so many people have chosen to live?
Life is all about choices and in my opinion the state of California made the right one.
"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15
Okay. Let me ask you a question then. Are you stating that marriage is a religious act? You don't want homosexuals, a lifestyle which God clearly denounced in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to be allowed to be married. What about atheist? Should atheist be allowed to get married? They don't believe in any God. True atheist don't really even believe in a higher power at all.
I am being the devils advocate here. I too believe that homosexuality is a choice, not a defect at birth, not something that just "happens", but a lifestyle choice. I don't hate homosexuals either, in fact I am related to a couple and have several close friends who practice said lifestyle. I also don't encourage or 'support' it.
However, if we are going to keep happy homosexual couples from legal marriage based on our belief that marriage is a religious act, then we need to not single them out. We need to "BAN" other "non conformist" groups, other lifestyle choices as well.
I think you are comparing apples to oranges and here is why. People can’t be excluded from marriage based upon religious preferences and not all marriages take place in a church. Again we aren’t talking about a matter of religion we are talking about a matter of morality. Sure God plays a role in that as our standard for right and wrong ultimately hinges on the standards set forth by God. If being an atheist (another issue for another time is that I don’t believe that a person can truly be an atheist at best they can be agnostics) excludes you from having a marriage ceremony since it is religious then shouldn’t is also exclude you from being held accountable to the 10 Commandments or other biblical standards. Not believing in something doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
I’ve got no personal beef people who choose to live a lifestyle of homosexuality. My beef is where I’m told that I should accept it as a common practice in my society and if I don’t I’m a bigot. That isn’t what I believe and as I don’t hate those who stand opposite of me I don’t feel that I should be hated either. It isn’t an issue of hate or oppression rather an issue of religious principle and morality. Homosexuality is even biologically unnatural as men and women were created to procreate together and our bodies as specifically designed for each other so which ever side of the fence you stand on in the issue of religion there isn’t a case for homosexuality to be a natural part of society.
Thanks for commenting!
What is interesting in all this is the politics of the deal. ...Society wishes to seperate religion and politics, but it cannot happen. No matter the society, from time old, they have been wed....pun intended.
It is not marriage that the homosexual crowd seeks. Sure a few short sighted will stop there, but for the truly gay, left wing individual, they wish to have all the "legal rights" that come with marriage. The easiest to argue is the ability to have access and influence in a hospital situation, as it musters emotional support. But the less emotionally attached, quieter desires are property transfer, tax advantages, financial benefit, political power, etc.
And it does not stop there. It is the break down of the fabric and structure of this world, of our society, of family. Without the bonds of family: defined as man united to woman, becoming one flesh and having the ability to naturally procreate and have dominion over the earth...we will not survive.
Abortion has already had a major toll on the cords of this fabric. Euthanasia is coming. The devaluing of life and ultimately the destruction of America. It is very political, very deep.
Look back to the Romans. It was the loss of the bond of family and respect of life that was as the root of their destruction and annihilation from earth. Economics, greed, over-expansion, complacency and pride certainly contributed to their demise...but life and family were at the root.
Shall we go the same path? I hope not, it is time to learn from CA, realize who we are at our roots and vote scoundrels out and "statesmen - representatives" back into office. We need a revolution of the people, for the people, by the people. If "left minded California" can do it - so can the rest of us!
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