Monday, November 17, 2008

Tolerance is so Intolerable

Welcome All! blog site moves! Whew! How cool is this? Religion and Politics together! "Foul! - You can't mix Church and State!" Ah, but we can! ...we will! It is time to that America mixes more religion into its collective life! If you have kept up with the random and sporadic writings of Captian America, then you will be very interested in the content of this site - as dolphinfan will give you loads of credible debate from the religious view of life. We look to have fun!

Anyway - back to the first couple sentences....we have got to move from our tolerance mentality! It is literally gonna kill us! The end result of tolerance is maniacal intolerance. President Bush spoke to the UN (another sour point in life's many oxymorons) recently and supported the drive to tolerance. Problem is, he doesn't think the way the UN does and the UN doesn't think the way he does. He even referenced God.

Tolerance at base level is "acceptance of beliefs and ideologies, traits, personalities, etc." But taken to the extreme...then you have the inability to reference your beliefs as solely true.

All faiths believe that they have some corner on the market of religion. Two of the most commonly mis-quoted and/or emphasize (or demonized) are Christianity (some Protestant and Catholic groups) and Muslim. Though they may be highlighted as "extreme" ... and in some cases are ... just because their beliefs center around God or Allah being the only way to heaven. Christianity further stresses that belief in Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven.

In essence, one is wrong if you do not believe in their fashion ... including whether or not one is attached to their group. Buddhism, Taoism, Satanism - each have their exclusivities too. But they fade in comparison.

I think you see the problem I emphasize. There is no acceptable way to either of these religious entities to back off their beliefs. At which point, their "members" are "intolerant."

In America, our First Amendment Right is the ability to speak freely. The Fairness Doctrine is just one of many steps being sought to hack away at the great wisdom of our Founding Fathers. Americans United against Church and State - is another entity dedicated at de-unifying America and enforces division (at least for Caucasian or Anglo Saxon [loosely used, in a tongue-n-cheek kind of way] churches). The removable of prayer in school (formalized...cause you know that each test/quiz was proceeded by a silent prayer), the removal of the Ten Commandments, the attacks against Christmas Icons and many other instances are slowly removing this basic right from our society.

It is something we must fight. Seperation of Church and State is a myth, legistlated from the courts from outl-of-context debate. That is why our site is called "Church and State." More on this in the future (read the past too!).

So, put your lights out with your Manger Scene, your Hanukkah Candles and the like...fight for your city to put them up. Otherwise, one day you and I may way up with duct tape on our mouths!

More on the subject...semi-fictionally and set a few years in America's future... Read "Sinner" by Ted Dekker

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