Monday, April 11, 2011


Like him or dislike him - Trump is out there....seriously, not just "different," he is a possibility in the race for President next year.  Maybe, we need a "business minded person" to get in there and cut the crap!  Maybe we need someone not afraid to say "YOU'RE FIRED!"  I don't know.  The downside may or may not be his beliefs, political leans, political savvy, foreign knowledge (he does a lot of foreign business right?)...but then...can't be worse than OBAMA - truly, he'd only be better!  

Take a moment and take this important poll about the race for President in 2012. Is Trump a valid candidate?  What about Gingerich, Bachman?  Would you rather have Obama again?  All these are answers you can give!  Get in there and voice your opinion!  Newsmax is a major media outlet - copy this post and email it to everyone you know!

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