I am very extremely ... not sure. The right word is not coming to me. Many present themselves: disgusted, flabbergasted, upset, mad, annoyed, amazed, incredulous...The above photos. They are incomprehensible to me. After Arizona, someone has the audacity to have a crosshairs poster? The governor, acting within his responsibility, being called a dictator... God help us.
The last two days have been a spectacle in the upper mid-west. Childish adults have walked out of school and picketed the decisions of the Government of their State. In this case, Wisconsin and Ohio.
Just for information, I went to google Union benefits. Just a simple google of "union benefits standard" brought this link up. Please go to the site and then the link on the left for "benefits of union membership." Take a moment and read the paragraph of "general" membership benefits. I nearly laugh, as I imagine whiny school yard children that cannot take a finger poke, a cross look, a disciplinary correction. So, they make these "benefits" to coddle membership.
Then, they have the "real" benefits. The benefits that eat at corporate profits and makes it incredibly difficult to control "packages". All for their belief in the right to meet and discuss the wages and work conditions. Now, at one time, maybe......., I think the work conditions and the owners/managers needed unions to provide better conditions. Though, with socialist origins of unions....there must be a very limited amount of good in them. Karl Marx and Unions are nearly interchangeable. Thus, there should have been a better way.
Unfortunately we have them and now deal with them. The last two days have been evidence of how they change people. I can hardly imagine a fellow American calling their leadership names that harken to the evil dictators of the world. It is a shame.
History must laugh. We cannot collectively see that we are destroying ourselves. Just as other countries have done. Just ask England. Look at China. Further, those that we have elected either; 1) refuse to act on the behalf of most Americans, or 2). are not acting. In either instance, they are wasting valuable and precious time. Banks are closing, the markets are unstable, money is being printed with nothing to support it, debt is out of control, the budget is so inflated with well meaning items never intended to be a part of this Government in this Land. And our President...such a shame. He is deep in with the Unions, he is the marionette.
We fled England and fought against our "Motherland" because of much of the turmoil going on today. Unrepresented taxes and excessive and abusive governmental control motivated law-abiding citizens to act courageously in the name of Liberty. It was the call of common sense. It was the inner call to something better, a standard worth dying to proprogate.
This something better: the inalienable rights of the individual to pursue and act on their own behalf. It was not an "American Dream" then. No, it was more. It was a God motivated pursuit of Liberty...first with the individual, then in all areas and finally collectively. It saddens me that this pursuit seems to have died. Those of us holding the light have indeed "hidden it under a bush."
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