Monday, December 6, 2010

Sputnik or Not!

Today, in North Carolina, Hussein Obama conceals true motives. In
short, Obama calls for decision on tax cuts. He even says that further
taxing middle income would stall the recovery and possibly be

Here's the problem, while his words are correct: 1). We know he
doesn't believe in tax cuts; 2). They need more tax base to provide
for ever growing entitlements; 3). Entitlements strengthen the liberal
base; 4). He shows true colors in that "permanent cuts" are not likely.

He has this thought right: America needs to rise to the occasion.
Whether one references Sputnik, Pearl Harbor, great depression, 9/11
or the like....Americans will rise. I'm just not sure he will like
the rise.

In reading a biography on George Washington, young America was pressed
by became fighters. It was tax without
representation. Congress and senate should have heard the American
people loud and clear 10/2/10! Yet, the leaving House keeps Queen
Pelosi as minority speaker (rather than allowing new congress vote on
leader). Both houses seem slow to listen though, which is

We are the people and country that effects change all around us. When
there us catastrophe we are there. Liberty in peril, we are often
there. Need...we supply.

This all happens because of American ingenuity and excellence.
Bolstered by the liberty to perform to one's highest potential. BUT
Obama veils his real self today - the self that has been visible to
this point. Consider his continued desire for moratorium on drilling; the
prohibition of drilling in the ANWR; the tougher restrictions ("security") to
fly; fairness doctrine; vice pres. saying that rich should be
"patriotic" and pay more; rich is defined as $250,000 or more (VP is a taxer too); his continued reference to "redistribution of wealth."

Do not be fooled. Obama is not for true American values. His "dream"
is not the "American Dream." He is trying to rally swaying liberals
around him. Re-attract. Reorganize. Re-motivate. All words...the real
proof is in the puddin'!

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