Two Guys, One Blog, Lots Of Random Thoughts And Opinions On Religion And Politics.
Did you do some homework on Sharia Law? This is huge – pretty much under the radar too! But ask New Jersey what they would do if they had the chance!
State Question 755 – Prohibits courts from using International or Sharia Law to decide cases
The Daily Oklahoman actually states that we should vote against this question. THAT IS CRAZY! LUDICROUS! Take Sharia out of the equation – would you want the law of This Land to be subject to other laws from other countries? Or, even the International Law, of governing lands – say the United Nations? Put Sharia Law, which is Islamic Law, back in the equation. Under this law a husband can demand sex (ie. Rape) of his wife, even abuse her if needed. This is terrible law!
1). Belittles and ignores women and their human rights – where is NOW on this question??
2). It is opening our courts to another faith, nationality and culture. All sorts of bad can come from that!
3). What would stop someone from "becoming Islamic in faith and practice" just to take advantage of women?
4). How might other religions and national beliefs follow suit and insist their "ways" be protected.
Anybody say "Anarchy" warning?!?
Shame on you Daily Oklahoman! How many will take your paper to the voting booth and vote the wrong way? THIS IS TERRIBLE.
State Question 754 – Appropriations
Not totally sure on this one, but one thing I don't like: Last line of the question: "Cannot be repealed or amended." That does not sound good for the future, when it comes to how the Constitution of OK directs using money or appropriations. When you are talking about English as the standard, expected, supported language – I like and would support a permanent Constitutional change.
Evidently, this was to also address SQ 744. Thus, NO is the vote here.
NO on SQ 744 and 754.
The remaining questions:
747 – Term Limits Essentially – Yes
748 – New Commission on redistricting after census – Yes
750 – Required signatures on Petitions – Yes
752 – Vacant Judicial Seats – Yes
756 - Health Care - One cannot be required to participate in Obama plan - Yes
757 – Increase money into special fund – from 10% up to 15% - No
Concerning Insurance Commissioner – I am voting to keep Kim Holland. In the insurance realm, she has attained a status that will allow OK to put forth leadership and she has work hard to fight aspects of fraud and abuse. It is a tougher vote for me, as she is on the democratic ticket. However, the Republican opponent would come into the insurance offices a newbie and have less influence at a critical time.
(Majority of the following is counsel from a wise leader):
Concerning Congressional Offices - We will elect one U.S. Senator and the clear choice is Dr. Tom Coburn. We will elect all 5 U.S. Congressmen. The only U.S. Congressman who is not truly anti-abortion, anti-big government or anti-tax is Democrat Dan Boren from the large eastern Oklahoma district. Boren also voted for the bailout and the University bailout. He may be against Obamacare, but he slides other large spending votes under the radar. I consider him to simply be stuck: We Okies don't want Obama's agenda or heavy burden – he knows it and can't act against the constituents on big ticket items. He is career and needs to go.
We have clear cut choices in the other four Congressional races. In each case the Republicans are the best choice and in District 5, one should definitely vote for James Lankford. Please check your district and consider your vote wisely.
Concerning the Judicial Retention – I am voting NO on all six judges. If Oklahomans vote to elect a Republican governor to go with a Republican controlled legislature and State Question 752 passes, we have the real possibility of making much needed judicial reform.
LINK TO STATE QUESTIONS (BALLOT FORMAT): Here - print and take it with you!
Ok – as promised here we go:
State Question 751 – English as declared language for OK
Duh. Really? Should there be any discussion? No. But for you bleeding hearts out there – this is NOT about shutting someone up or making them feel less of a citizen, guest or temporary in our State! DUH! Put your brain on! Has France given up French…Italy, Italian…Africa, various….China, Chinese? DUH!
We need this in OK and OK can help pave the way for this to be voted on nationally. I was in the OK Ins. Comm. Offices yesterday – our government offices – and they posted the "Right to Work" flyer in English and Spanish!
Really! Come on! It should be in English only. …just think, could you imagine multitudes of flyers in all the languages in our country? It is an expense our government needs to avoid!
State Question 744 – THE BIG ONE – VOTE NO!
Like taxes? Prefer unabashed money use? There is no oversight. It is taking our children, using them as icons for getting money out of yours and my pocket! That's it! It will seriously cripple our weak budget in the process, requiring millions in spending.
Let me just say this: we are top heavy on the administration side of our education system in OK. I tried to find my source, but in my limited time this morning, it did not pop up. But from memory, we have districts with several admins/supers that could consolidate and throw the savings to the students; schools with too many principles, etc.
This brings us to Janet Barresi. If she can go throw the birthing process of a charter school, gain accreditation, keep students, attract & pay qualified teachers and run on a budget provided through supporters…she can lead our education system to where is more budget conscience. She appears to be the one that would slim the expenses, especially the unnecessary, and more our state up in the line-up. However, consider demographics & population in figuring our per capita spending. Read her bio – I don't care what you think, that is impressive!
State Question 746 – Show an ID when you Vote
DUH! It amazes me every time I vote and do not have to give an account of who I am! I could come in and glance at the list and say I am Matthew Boheny and VOTE! Really? I even asked to show my ID one day – "No, that is not necessary." How do you know I am who I am? "We trust you."
No. This is too valuable a "RIGHT" to let allow today's corrupt opportunities an easy foothold.
We are down to the wire.
I just got an email – no kiddin' – from Joe Biden. Well, I guess it is likely from a team writer and his name it is on it. Is he really still out there? Anyway, the Democrats are scampering. Even heard how democrats are apologizing and falling all over themselves to put distance between them and Obama's team. So, I believe there can be restoration out there. But let's not look at just what we can do. Let's seek what God can do through this election!
Let's not take this lightly. Read II Chronicles 7:14 – "14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." We really need this to happen. We sincerely need God to hear us.
I am reading the book "Radical" by David Platt. The idea that the church of Christ was built on prayer and meager men; afraid of authorities, yet filled with the Spirit through their prayer; enabling them to be bold, strong and wise…blows me away. I have always known that, but reading it again, it clicked. It is not about us. It is about God.
So, we seek Him...humiliate ourselves before Him and offer up our forgiveness.
Then, we pray for wisdom. A wise man of God, very in-tune with these elections, passed the following scriptures to me. Read in full these passages: Exodus 18:13-26; Deuteronomy 1:9-18.
Here is Exodus 18:20-21:
20 Teach them the decrees and laws, and show them the way to live and the duties they are to perform. 21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.
When you sit/stand before your ballot with your list of state questions and candidates, it is not just a box. It is not – NOT – just a party, club or color…no you are voting the future!
It is time we back away from the donkeys and elephants and notice all the people behind them!
America is not – NOT – what it is becoming! But "when good people do nothing…" or worse, when good people mindlessly and robotically vote….SHAME ON US! SHAME!
So, hopefully, over the last two years you have been awakened! Hopefully, you have the scales pried from your eyes! Hopefully, you have sense about your person and you are going to go to the voting booth with wisdom from God, common sense from conversation and a foundation of the Constitution directing how to vote.
The next posts will include some of our thoughts here at regarding the state questions and candidates.
We need to look back no further than last week to find the most telling examples of this. Anxious to break camp and get back home to campaign for next month’s elections. Congress decided adjourn with two major items left on the table. With millions of Americans hurting from the current economic recession and democrats fighting to hang on in key elections around the nation they left what was quite possibly the best campaign tool in unresolved in Washington D.C. Instead they’re choosing to run in the elections without being able tell Americans what their tax rates will be next year.
Even more pressing, Congress dismissed without approving a budget for the government year that began last Friday. Instead they chose to pass a "continuing resolution," a stopgap measure to keep the government in operating funds for the next two months and avoid a pre-election federal shutdown. Basically the U.S. government is going to spend over the next two months with absolutely no budget. And we wonder why the nation’s debt is out of control.
Thirty-nine democrats joined the Republicans in a push to get a vote on extending the Bush tax cuts which nearly deadlocked the motion to adjourn but Nancy Pelosi cast the tie breaking vote allowing congress to leave the matter unresolved and head home. Instead we were given a promise from Pelosi that the tax cuts would be addressed after the elections. Basically they’re giving us the vote us back in and we’ll take care of ya line. Count me in as a guy who isn’t buying into it!
How about next month we bring some accountability to congress with our votes by showing that irresponsibility will no longer be tolerated!