Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fwd: Which is Worse? Celebrate Life or Green Police Scare...

Check out these videos on YouTube:

Tebow Celebrate Life (increase volume)

Audio Green Police

After last week's nuclear fall-out from the "pro-choicers," one would think that the Celebrate Life (Tim Tebow) commercial was promoting resignation of all abortion doctors or something! I spent several minutes prior to the weekend trying to find the commercial on the Internet, as I had heard it had been leaked. I did not find it; what I did find, was Tebow's story. Bottom line, his mom could have aborted him (with good "reason") and chose not to against advice.

The commercial happened so fast, so quiet and non-hyped that I truly missed what it was about. It says on YouTube that it is :35sec long. Well, all I caught on Sunday was Tebow saying "ok, mom" and the website header at the end. I recall saying "Boy, now that was evil! That was sooo worth the hype last week!" (read as satire/sarcasm).

In the fourth quarter, Audi rolls in with their commercial. With their promotion dollars, they emphasize all types recycling "problems" and reprimand those that violate them, leaving the viewer to assume jail for each violation. Some of the problems; for instance the hot spa, choosing plastic, are an exaggeration of the effect the "violation" has on the environment. In the end, the "evil" auto wins out - but wins because it is "green".

There was no leak last week on this commercial; but it was quite the buzz at the water cooler! Fear of a non-desired but potentially near, uncontrolled, government backed progressive wish was viewed in digital reality. Further, over 100 (guessing) people appear in the commercial - thus, endorsing it. Granted, it brought nervous laughs...but, fear was behind them. I mean, imagine a knock on your door cause you don't compost (google compost law, California). It is coming.....

The talking heads on conservative radio/TV addressed it, but little to insignificant coverage existed outside those circles.

"Pro-choicers" threw a bloomin' fit over Tebow - which essentially said "celebrate life - have fun, enjoy your family, laugh, tease, etc." But the commercial that endorsed the loss of Constitutional Rights on all sorts of levels gets a pass?!? Wow...we truly are frogs in a pot of water with slowly rising heat!

Here is what should have happened:
1). So called pro-choicers should have been reprimanded and should have apologized. That won't happen - cause they really aren't pro-choice if the choice is not abortion. That isn't news either. And a commercial that does not reference abortion, proves how evil and one-sided they truly are.
2). Audi stock should have taken a non-recoverable dive! Audi sells (which is still yet to be seen), should nearly stop. A boycott of that vehicle specifically and Audi in general should happen. Why? It is totally promoting unconstitutional actions endorsed by government! No matter how green.

We are so backwards that neither happened to extent it should have....really, if commercials are dreams (consider how unreal some were) then Audi may be Freddie Krueger.

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