Seriously, I apologize....
...yet, I am disillusioned. I would begin to write and then something more amazing would be going on. I would sit to contemplate and be dumb-founded. All this time and I still cannot believe the turn we have taken as a Nation.
Where is the America I grew up in? Truthfully, I would rather still be living under the cold war then being amazed at the speed in which America is dying. I remember thinking that Clinton was simply inconceivable. Now, here we are scurrying around dousing little fires in order to avoid the big explosion.
Obama is surrounded by literal freaks - as if educated people did not know this before election! Just google Obama Czars (or just read this) or Timothy Geithner, Pelosi, Van Jones, Green Czar and see what comes up! Here is a link to were Jones speaks in a derogative way about republicans. At the Rodney King riots - he was a rioter. He is since a self-proclaimed communist. The list goes on...
Healthcare for all? Who will pay? Where will the money come from? What about health limitations and decisions - who makes those? What incentive will there be to be a doctor, nurse, etc? How can abortions be paid by the government? Is that Constitutional? What about the first sentence of the Constitution? Does healthcare fit in to that? Is anyone listening to these town halls or are we just "dumb right wingers?" Crazy, cause it is we "dumb right wingers" that get off our toosh, work, pay taxes and give to charity that feeds the perfect left wingers that mooch off the government! Jeez, my blood pressure....
Ted Kennedy died. While any family loosing a family member is sad, and my condolences go out...I can't help but wonder if Kopechne's family got so much with her lost life. But the loss of Kennedy was the only way he was leaving....I pray that God will raise up a grass roots leader of conservative and moral acuteness to take his spot.
Obama is falling is approval - third to Ford and Clinton at the same times in there Presidencies. And for two weeks...believe it or not...we have not heard from him!?!
YET! He is coming back with a vengence next Wednesday. God help the kids in public schools. From what I have read and heard, his address is "to be watched" in the schools. This may not be bad and if Obama uses the medium to bolster good study habits, excellence and the like; he could impact the minds of impressionable children. However, if environmentalism, health care debate and negative assertions about America are the focus, we are in trouble. Is this not what Hitler did?
Young minds are impressionable and I do not want to see it used against America.... We have to stand..., "Glenn Beck, Obama advisers: Czar wars" Sept 1, 2009. Good Read.