Monday, September 28, 2009

Dialogue for Negotiations

Folks, essentially...we are screwed. I spoke with a converted,
former, (redundant on purpose) Muslim today. He has been in America
since the late 70s. He said "America has given him the opportunity
for everything!" But he said that over the years he has watched the
"greed for power" dimenish the greatness of America. He said that
Carter really botched things, Reagan reset the course of America,
Clinton robbed from the Republican years, and the Bushes were half
ways. However, "Bush was a great president - the Democrats just
blamed everthing on him."

Obviously, he is no more an authority (really) than I am, but he has
also seen and lived under less than favorable tyrannical conditions.
So, in a sense, he is an expert.

Hearing his discussion was like hearing the echos of my mind when I
have no one to discuss politics with ... Or like hearing conservative
talk radio in Arabic accented English! He has it. Why doesn't the
majority of our governmental officials?

Obama is about words. Without his prized telepropter, he is
clueless. Words incite distrust, ambiguity, and ultimately could
materialize in violence. We do not live in Utopia. Period. There is
nothing heavenly about this Earth...even The Church can't agree on
carpet color! The Moment of Salvation - well, that really is as close
as we get - but that's another subject.

Words will not satisfy. Further, mispoken words ruin. That, my
Friends, is where we are right now. Barak Hussein Obama has degraded
the USA to the point of laughter In other countries (don't believe it,
google it - Chavez, Putnin(?)). At the G2 summit, Foreign leaders
pressed the envelope because Obama has given away The Farm.

Recently, we have had terrorist threat after threat thrawted. I
forget the count, but more than several. You probably haven't heard
about them on the state run media though. This is fearful. What
about Obamanism playing a role in whether or not 40000 more troops go
to afganistan? Iran just tested a missile that reached the distance
if Isreal. !! And ... Obama wants "serious dialogue"!?!

While I have been disappointed in the way we have been portayed; I am
now ashamed and scared at how we are being perceived.

We are passed the point of partisan politics. We are now at the
pivotal point of "no" return. I hope that is too strong, thus the
quotes(""). This is about America, People! America needs real leaders
that are not tied to big money, blemished by blackmail and are willing
to take heat for convictions and good ole American fortitude! We must
support the new grassroots candidates along with those *truly*
standing for America currently in congress.


By Phone

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Joe Wilson Rebuke Shows Dems Are Out For Blood

The high school mentality of our nation’s congress took another step backwards on Tuesday and this time has landed them on an elementary level. Like most high school kids our congress has shown that they have no concept of debt nor do they realize the dangers of piling on to that debt. This administration isn’t just adding to the debt they’re spending our tax dollars like a kid at the county fair. Also like most teenagers this congress has shown that they don’t care what others think. It is incomprehensible to them that the majority of the public are opposed to healthcare reform and are scoffing at public opinion because they are forcing their own version of “hope and change” down our throats. This administration and congress are only focused on their agenda and with the masks coming off the gloves are coming out.

Remember in elementary school when a classmate would shoot spit wads at the other kids but then fly off the handle and tell the teacher when someone has the audacity to shoot one back while acting as if he’d never committed such a dastardly deed. That’s the same type of mentality that our congress has chosen to take with Joe Wilson.

I’m in no way condoning Wilson’s actions. His outburst at the President was distasteful and disrespectful and Mr. Obama rightfully deserved the apology that he received from Congressman Wilson but that should have been it. To have the house pass a resolution to rebuke Joe Wilson was an unnecessary and childish step but it was an act in which the Democrats were allowed to flex their muscle and publicly scold someone who opposes their agenda.

"This is a teachable moment," said Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina. "This is a time for us to teach not just by precept but by example. There are certain things that you do, and certain things that you don't do. When you do the things you shouldn't, the accepted form of contrition is to come to this floor and to request the apology of these members. Until that is done, proper contrition has not been made. My father used to say the first sign of a good education is good manners. I took that to heart, and I would hope that this body would demonstrate today to all of the school children watching, what is proper decorum."

Really, Mr. Clyburn? A teachable moment? Where was proper decorum in `05 and `07 when many of these same democratic congressmen booed President Bush as he addressed congress? Where were the demands for apologies then? What lesson did our democrats teach the school children at those times? Of course we don’t want to bring that up and apply it to this situation because then we’d see the hypocrisy of it.

The lesson learned here is plain and simple. It’s alright for politicians to participate in name calling just as long as its members of the Democratic Party calling their opponents names. I just learned this week myself that I’m a racist because I oppose many of the President’s political viewpoints. We’ve also learned that its perfectly acceptable for members of congress to heckle the President just as long as it’s the democrats heckling a republican president. What’s the next lesson you’ve got for the school children, how to balance a checkbook?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back...but much has happened....

Seriously, I apologize....
...yet, I am disillusioned. I would begin to write and then something more amazing would be going on. I would sit to contemplate and be dumb-founded. All this time and I still cannot believe the turn we have taken as a Nation.

Where is the America I grew up in? Truthfully, I would rather still be living under the cold war then being amazed at the speed in which America is dying. I remember thinking that Clinton was simply inconceivable. Now, here we are scurrying around dousing little fires in order to avoid the big explosion.

Obama is surrounded by literal freaks - as if educated people did not know this before election! Just google Obama Czars (or just read this) or Timothy Geithner, Pelosi, Van Jones, Green Czar and see what comes up! Here is a link to were Jones speaks in a derogative way about republicans. At the Rodney King riots - he was a rioter. He is since a self-proclaimed communist. The list goes on...

Healthcare for all? Who will pay? Where will the money come from? What about health limitations and decisions - who makes those? What incentive will there be to be a doctor, nurse, etc? How can abortions be paid by the government? Is that Constitutional? What about the first sentence of the Constitution? Does healthcare fit in to that? Is anyone listening to these town halls or are we just "dumb right wingers?" Crazy, cause it is we "dumb right wingers" that get off our toosh, work, pay taxes and give to charity that feeds the perfect left wingers that mooch off the government! Jeez, my blood pressure....

Ted Kennedy died. While any family loosing a family member is sad, and my condolences go out...I can't help but wonder if Kopechne's family got so much with her lost life. But the loss of Kennedy was the only way he was leaving....I pray that God will raise up a grass roots leader of conservative and moral acuteness to take his spot.

Obama is falling is approval - third to Ford and Clinton at the same times in there Presidencies. And for two weeks...believe it or not...we have not heard from him!?!

YET! He is coming back with a vengence next Wednesday. God help the kids in public schools. From what I have read and heard, his address is "to be watched" in the schools. This may not be bad and if Obama uses the medium to bolster good study habits, excellence and the like; he could impact the minds of impressionable children. However, if environmentalism, health care debate and negative assertions about America are the focus, we are in trouble. Is this not what Hitler did?

Young minds are impressionable and I do not want to see it used against America.... We have to stand..., "Glenn Beck, Obama advisers: Czar wars" Sept 1, 2009. Good Read.