Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Red Envelopes!!!!!!!!!!

What Is It:

Get red envelopes or postcards and mail them on March 31st to the WhiteHouse Address Below.

When Is It:

March 31st, 2009

Get a red envelope. You can buy them at Kinkos, or at party supply stores. On the front, address it to

President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington , D.C. 20500

On the back, write the following message.

This envelope represents one child who died because of an abortion. It is empty because the life that was taken is now unable to be a part ofour world. The envelopes should be mailed out March 31st, 2009.

Put it in the mail, and send it! Copy this post and forward this event to every one of your friends who you think would send one too. I wish we could send 50 million red envelopes, one for every child who died [in the U.S.] before having a chance to live.

It may seem that those who believe abortion is wrong are in a minority. It may seem like we have no voice and it's shameful to even bring it up. Let us show our President and the world that the voices of those of us who do not believe abortion is acceptable are not silent and must be heard. Together we can change the heart of The President and save the lives of millions of children.

Barack Obama spoke at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund event, uttering thenow infamous line, "Well, the first thing I'd do as president is, is signthe Freedom of Choice Act. [Applause.] That's the first thing that I'd do."

An empty red envelope will send a message to President Barack Obama that there is moral outrage in this country over this issue [The Freedom ofChoice Act, which will essentially "undo" every law currently in place to limit abortion in the U.S. (i.e., parental consent laws, parental notification, waiting periods, prohibition of transporting a minor girlacross state lines to obtain an abortion, etc.)].

It will be quiet, but clear.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Obama is going to cut his nearly created debt in half by the end of his "first" term. That is cutting his trillion $1,300,000,000,000 (1.3 Trillion - if that is written right) down to $533 billion (2/23, p. 7A - tucked away in USA Today) [Added this the morning after the TV news].

How about this: why not go into this debt?

Whether the numbers are totally correct or not (news just showed them quickly) the reality is that we are in a mess.

How he plans to do this: lessen support of the Iraq War, return to fiscal responsibility and let the Bush tax cuts end for those over $250K per year. Capital gains taxes are going to be increased. In short, we are going to be totally weighted down to support all his pandering buddies and their pork politics.

The very audacity to say he is going to offer a new budget that is reeled in and "responsible." Who really believes this guy?

Mark my words, and I hope I am wrong: in four years, government will be so big and taxes so high that real Americans cannot do anything because they have no money. Further, welfare will be so large, and so many leeches will be addicted to government; that the demise of capitalism, governmental restrain and Constitutional rule of law will be out the window. In 2012, there may not be enough fiscally responsible, intelligent and self-governed individuals to vote Obama and the far-left supporters out.

We survived Roosevelt, Carter and Clinton - but Obama and the money behind him, the people types that support him have an agenda to bring America down. It was also a different time and a world of much less government "entitlements."

In writing this, I hope that common Americans will see what is being taken away in the name of "recession." Take a moment and listen to the other side of the story and research it yourself. Ask yourself "why did Reaganomics work?"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Are FaceBook And Other Social Networks Subs For Real Friends?

I guess you could include me in what seems to be a minority of America’s population that doesn’t have a FaceBook or MySpace account. Perhaps its because navigating the blogosphere is tedious enough or possibly I’ve never really seen the need to be involved in these social networks just yet. I really don’t know why I’ve never done it I just know that I haven’t. Then I went to a conference last week where I was told that all pastors should be on FaceBook so that they can not only network but also reach a new audience that they couldn’t otherwise. So I’ve been doing a little research over the weekend and I’ve discovered something alarming. People are trading real legitimate friendships for online buddies. Let me tell you first why I think that is and then I’ll tell you why I believe it is alarming.

Making friends online seems to be a lot easier than actually stepping out and meeting people. If you have an attractive avatar and catchy sig line then most people are likely to accept your offer of friendship without even attempting to actually get to know you. You can be as in-depth about yourself or as shallow as you’d like which makes it safe and unlike real friendships removes the sense of vulnerability we feel when we put ourselves out on a limb in face-to-face relationships. It’s the easiest and most low maintenance relationship a person could ever have.

So why is this alarming? Because it becomes much easier to replace significant and meaningful relationships with shallow online ones. There is no accountability with online relationships and we really can be whatever we want to be. Thus it creates a fantasy world where our ethics and possibly even our morals could easily go right out the window as we strive to be accepted. Isn’t that what we are ultimately looking for anyway, acceptance?

Ultimately our greatest desire is just to be accepted for who we really are. There’s a verse in the Bible that states, “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” – John 15:12-13

Meaningful relationships are built on sacrifice and sacrifice is based on love. Knowing that someone cares for you despite your faults is a satisfaction that you can’t find online no matter how many FaceBook friends you may have.

I’m not condemning online communities nor am I condemning those who choose to participate in them. I’m about to become one myself. I’m just suggesting that we become aware of the danger of replacing real life friends with online ones. Stay grounded in life by keeping up with God’s word and its application to your life. Stay in touch with reality by understanding who God created you to be and learning to live sacrificially through real relationships.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Anyone Else Losing Their Sense Of Security?

President Obama is drawing praise from the Taliban for his decision to shut down the prison for terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Now they are asking for a few more favors such as withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghanistan as well as stop defending Israel against Islamic interests.

I’m all for the humane treatment of all human being because I believe that God did create all men equal. Changes definitely needed to be made at the prison but I’m not sure that releasing some of the terrorist while bringing others to American soil is the way to go and I certainly think that receiving accolades from the enemy is a dangerous precedent.

As if that wasn’t enough I want to remind you of this video regarding Obama’s plan to cut America’s defenses.

Red Country posted a great commentary on this video a few months ago but to add to the point already made about watering down our defenses against nuclear attack consider the following two points. North Korea is getting ready to test a long range missile that would be capable of reaching the U.S. by going into outer space. It is no secret that Iran is building their nuclear capabilities and now has successfully launched a satellite in orbit. Yeah, I know that it’s just a satellite but now they are looking to increase the ability of their satellite-carrier rockets to “carry more weight". Hmmmm, I guess Reagan wasn’t crazy for having the idea of a space oriented missile defense system after all.

Please don’t tell me that we are going to turn the defense of this great nation over to arrogance. Please don’t tell me that our safety is going away because of stubbornness and political party bias. With all the useless and unnecessary spending in Obama’s economic stimulus package to cover hidden agendas don’t tell me that we are going to strip America’s defenses under the hypocrisy of wasted money.

At the end of the day I want to feel safe no matter who our president is. I don’t want to read that the enemy is giving us a pat on the back and then saying, “if you really want to be our friends here’s what we need you to do…” I want to know that if a hostile or unstable nation is developing or has already reached nuclear weapons with the capacity reaching the United States then our leadership is doing everything in their power to make sure that we are defended against those weapons and not scrapping programs because the wrong political party came up with the idea. Write your congressman, call your representatives and tell them that you want to know that America’s safety is secure under their leadership.