Monday, August 26, 2013

Impeachment: "Perilously Close"

Though a supporter of impeachment, it is probably not right for this time in our nation's history.  But he should never had made a second term based upon lack of experience (1st term issue), failure to deliver, disastrous health care plan, foreign fiascos and irresponsible words as leader of free nation that incite fridge individuals.  

So, we are in a quagmire. Impeachment should happen. If this president were white...he'd have been removed by now. Constitutionally, he may be "perilously close" but what about actions that are treasonous or flat irresponsible as a President? Even if impeachment isn't viable, Congress should hold his feet to the fire.  The reality is...nothing will happen and further damage to our Constitution, fiscal stability and National Security will be the end result.  

With record numbers on entitlements and actively seeking them, instability in the world - with many seeing America as weak: 2016 is gonna be a tough run! GOP must get a thick armored skinned, Constitutionalist and solid runner.  Must be unafraid of the media and totally open at the beginning.  No skeletons. Charismatic. 

That person must pull the plug on the IRS, UN, EPA, TSA, amnesty drive, entitlements must be limited...basically, overhaul and reign in the Govt expansion. That person must promote friendship with Israel and cut off the billions of US money being sucked out if us by Egypt & pals.   We must tell the region to own up to their own responsibility to be sovereign nations and resist the corruption.  

We must purge ourselves of weak republicans and draw a line of solid unity.  All the while bringing conservative dems to the light of wisdom and reason for the benefit of our nation - not a small constituent number. Grass roots support for America as she has always been until the recent decade must swell and be well spoken.