Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I have recently tweeted more one liner and thoughts than have been on my blog.  That may or may not change.  If you have frequented the page, I much appreciate it. 

Arizona shootings happened and there was outrage against terminology about guns, crosshairs and anything else remotely "uncivil."  Of course, this was all pointed to the conservative, right wing wackos that actually had that guy come out and do the shootings....yeah, right.  We won't rehash, but the shooter was not conservative, nor right wing.

Since then, Obama has mouthed off as have so many others.  Today, the news is still around the Hoffa speech this weekend.  Hoffa was totally out of line.   Or was he? 

You see, over the ages analogies have been used in speeches left and right to emphasize points being made by the individual or the individual for the organization. In today's heavily politicized world where most everyone wears there feelings, faults and failures on their sleeve, this is difficult to stomach at times.  Hoffa's case in point. 

Then one adds a perceived family name and the connotations behind the name to the speech mix and you really have mental huddles to calculate and successfully navigate.  I have attached two links to the speech and wish to note that regardless of alleged editing, the words were highly charged words.

Personally, Obama put himself on the left-wing extreme when he followed the speech without any condemnation or constructional correction in his speech.  Google the speech and you will find that Obama supports and condones the words of Hoffa.  This is troubling.

Troubling because politicians, talking heads and other leaders are making devils out of each other.  Worse, we are threatening the 2nd Amendment against each other.  Fact is, if you get right down to it there are several of the Bill of Rights that are being threatened as we speak.  Where is this fact in modern media?  Where is our true watchdog?

Fringe anything is going to be in trouble, and the whole group ostracized and worse!  Case in point:  Jews and Christians.  For the most part, quiet, peaceful, loving people.  Most never even consider the thought of boycotting a funeral or "crusading" around and killing people.  Hasty generalizations such as these are troubling.  One might consider this even with Muslims...Sharia Law is one aspect that muddies the water when it comes to those of the Islamic Faith, but I'd say many Muslims are peaceful too. 

What do we do?  We stick with our Constitution.  We protect the identity of America through immigration laws.  We regrow a backbone.  Stand for something or fall for anything.

The truth of this speech:  it is not the problem, it is a symptom of bigger things afoot to dislodge America from it's leadership and prominence.  If we voted every career politician out and started over, that probably wouldn't be a bad thing.

Hoffa Yahoo link

Hoffa Real Clear Politics Link